M.F. Asselbergs

42 records found


Decarbonizing the housing stock is one of the largest challenges in the built environment today, and is getting attention not only from policymakers, but also from social housing corporations, financial and tenants’ organisations. In line with the international Paris-Climate-Chan ...
The purpose of the architectural design studio is that students learn to think and act like designers. However, communication between teachers and students seems to be problem- atic. Teachers barely seem to explain how designers work, which may be confusing for stu- dents. To lea ...
This video allows anybody to teach or practice designing for values in a financially and professionally responsible manner. Creative professionals focusing on designing for client and stakeholder values often struggle to transform their work into sustainable business models that ...

Flagships of the Dutch Welfare State in Transformation

A Transformation Framework for Balancing Sustainability and Cultural Values in Energy-Efficient Renovation of Postwar Walk-Up Apartment Buildings

Increasing energy efficiency of the housing stock is one of the largest challenges in the built environment today. In line with the international Paris-Climate-Change-Conference 2015, Dutch municipalities and housing associations have embraced the ambition to achieve carbon neutr ...
A fascinating and rich landscape of personal views and approaches can be seen in architectural design and in architectural design education. This variation may be confusing for students. This paper focuses on the question: is the framework of generic elements that we developed fo ...


The Beursgebouw, as the first office building in Almere has been vacant for ten years. Also, Almere as the youngest city in Netherlands pay more attention on the green city development. My graduation project is to renovate the Beursgebouw in to urban farm. The new program contain ...

Beursgebouw as social platform

Re-interpreting communal spirit of Beursgebouw

The graduation studio is called ‘Adapting 20c Heritage’, and the renovation assignment deals with young heritage in Almere city. Almere is a planned city in the south-west of the reclaimed province Flevoland, and my graduation project is about renovation of the Beursgebouw, which ...

The Living Library

Co-cultivation of a ruin space

Since the disturbance of the civil wars from 1991-1996 a multiplicity of ruined, abandoned and contested landscapes can be found in the city of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Defining those spaces today implies not only thinking of the violent circumstances that shaped them, but ...
Divided cities are generally linked with civil wars in which group identity is threatened. This type of war dominated the late twentieth century, leaving many cities vulnerable. According to J. Calame and E. Chalesworth(2009) in Divided Cities: Belfast, Beirut, Jerusalem, Mostar, ...


Spaces of encounter in a divisive city

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country that has endured many wars, through many different rules. The Yugoslav wars from 1991-1996 still linger in Mostar today, as we find a ‘divided city’, which is mostly enforced through institutions that ethnically divide public buildings. At the ...
The graduation project is a transformation and reuse design of a previous office building, De Beurs, in Almere Stad. De Beursgebouw was designed by E.D. Partnership of architects and engineers Amersfoort in 1979 and finished in 1981 as the first building constructed in this area ...

A Blend Between Buildings

Redevelopment of the Schinkelkwadrant-Zuid by using lightweight structures and a new warehouse concept

De stadscentrum van Heerlen heeft al jaren te maken met leegstand. Zo staan hele stadsblokken leeg of zijn gebouwen in gebruik ter preventie van kraak. Het Schinkelkwadrant-Zuid is daar een voorbeeld van: een groot leegstaand blok grenzend aan een culturele route in het centrum v ...

The Mass-Customisation of Urban Housing

User-Involvement in Housing Development

The housing process in dense metropolitan environments experiences difficulties to adapt to the comprehensive needs and wants of the modern household. As a consequence of the increasing flexibility in daily-life, there is a growing diversity in the shape of households and their l ...

Recreatieve ecologie

Verbetering van de ruimtelijke kwaliteit door een samensmelting van recreatieve en ecologische belangen voor het Amsterdamse stadsmeer Nieuwe Meer

Het toenemende gebruik van de openbare Amsterdamse ruimte presenteert de gemeente van Amsterdam met de uitdaging om maatregelen treffen ter optimalisatie van duurzame benutting en ruimtelijke organisatie voor stadsplas de Nieuwe Meer. De kansen en ambities die voortvloeien uit de ...
Driven by the need to think differently about resources, energy, power generation, the choice of materials, and user involvement, we see the built environment in a new perspective. The program, Architectural Engineering, seeks for innovative and inspiring architectural solutions ...
What influence does the architect have in the future? Who is the master builder of the future and is the profession definitely going towards being an architectural stylist employed by the creative or construction industry? And if the architect no longer has a dominant position, i ...
The graduation studio of Architectural Engineering focuses on the integration of (new) technology in architecture. For this purpose, the name aE/ INTECTURE® was devised, which will be developed further as a brand in the coming years. Students start with a technical fascination an ...

Cities in flux

In search for flexible solutions for the desification of the city