M.F. Asselbergs

16 records found

Ruimte voor wonen

Naar een integrale aanpak van de Nederlandse woonopgave

“De woningcrisis biedt kansen. De kans om een duurzaam en langdurig gezond woonklimaat te realiseren.”

Woningnood is geen nieuw verschijnsel in ons land. Al in de negentiende eeuw leidde snelle bevolkingsgroei en verstedelijking tot een huisvestingstekort; de woningwet v ...

Designing for a Flow

Navigating Temporalities in Housing Considerations in Low-Income and Hazard-Prone Caribbean Contexts

The urgency of addressing housing challenges in low-income areas is increasing due to widening socio-economic inequalities and the worsening impact of natural disasters. Saint Martin, a small Caribbean island, is struggling to provide affordable housing amidst hurricanes, floods, ...
Importance of the region as integrating level.Doing more in less space.Through systemintegration, we can become an energy-supplying society.Making connections between themes and sectors.Building on communities of education, interdisciplinarity, society, and professional practice. ...
Circularity for Educators’, and a second platform for interaction and direct exchange that we call ‘Educators for Circularity’, are part and parcel of the Circular Impulse Initiative (CII), a project intending to enhance the integration of circularity in BK education. Whereas th ...
With over 40 years of experience as a lecturer, architect and driver of architectural policy, Thijs Asselbergs looks ahead in About the new architect. In response to conversations with students, Asselbergs shares his personal perspective on the profession and explains how ‘the ne ...

New Housing Concepts

Modular, Circular, Biobased, Reproducible, and Affordable

For a moment, it seemed that the architect had disappeared from the construction supply chain for sustainable and affordable housing provided by Dutch housing associations. Large contractors were making direct agreements with housing associations and wanted to scale up production ...
Purpose: Decarbonising the housing stock is one of the largest challenges in the built environment today, which is getting the attention not only from policymakers but also from social housing corporations, financial organisations and users. In line with the international Paris-C ...
Decarbonizing the housing stock is one of the largest challenges in the built environment today, and is getting attention not only from policymakers, but also from social housing corporations, financial and tenants’ organisations. In line with the international Paris-Climate-Chan ...
The aim of design education is that students learn to think and act like designers. However, the focus in the design studio is mainly on the design product, whereas the ‘why and how’ of the design process are barely addressed. A risk of learning by performing real-life tasks with ...
Volgens prognoses van ABF Research is er tot 2035 behoefte aan een miljoen extra woningen. Grootschalige industriële woningbouw kan bijdragen aan het terugdringen van het tekort. Dit heeft in het verleden echter de positie van bouwes versterkt en daarbij zeggenschap van bewoners ...
This video allows anybody to teach or practice designing for values in a financially and professionally responsible manner. Creative professionals focusing on designing for client and stakeholder values often struggle to transform their work into sustainable business models that ...
The purpose of the architectural design studio is that students learn to think and act like designers. However, communication between teachers and students seems to be problem- atic. Teachers barely seem to explain how designers work, which may be confusing for stu- dents. To lea ...

Flagships of the Dutch Welfare State in Transformation

A Transformation Framework for Balancing Sustainability and Cultural Values in Energy-Efficient Renovation of Postwar Walk-Up Apartment Buildings

Increasing energy efficiency of the housing stock is one of the largest challenges in the built environment today. In line with the international Paris-Climate-Change-Conference 2015, Dutch municipalities and housing associations have embraced the ambition to achieve carbon neutr ...
A fascinating and rich landscape of personal views and approaches can be seen in architectural design and in architectural design education. This variation may be confusing for students. This paper focuses on the question: is the framework of generic elements that we developed fo ...