M. Zabek
7 records found
Ressourceneffizienz und Circular Economy (CE) in der Bauindustrie
Strategien und Maßnahmen zur Gestaltung zukünftiger Bauprojekte
Die offensichtliche Rolle des Baugewerbes beim Klimawandel bestimmt derzeit den architektonischen Diskurs. Historisch gesehen konzentrierte sich die Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte primär auf den Energieverbrauch während der Nutzungsphase von Gebäuden, seit die Politik in den 1970er Jahre
Circularity potential of building products
Material Flow Analysis of façade building components
The construction industry, accounting for a significant portion of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, is pivotal in achieving Europe's ambitious climate neutrality goal by 2050. Circular Economy (CE) principles and the renovation of existing buildings are identified
Using recycled aggregates has many positive environmental impacts because of the conservation of natural resources and minimization of waste. The use of recycled aggregates in downcycling processes is already common in Germany, whereas utilizing them to produce high-quality recyc
Sustainable requirements
Digital and physical incremental renovation packages enhancing environmental and energetic behavior and use of resources
The construction industry plays a vital role in promoting economic prosperity and sustainability. However, it is also the largest consumer of resources and the largest producer of waste. Therefore, the implementation of circular economy principles in the building sector is crucia
Circularity for Educators’, and a second platform for interaction and direct exchange that we call ‘Educators for Circularity’, are part and parcel of the Circular Impulse Initiative (CII), a project intending to enhance the integration of circularity in BK education. Whereas th
Resources with potential to be recovered
Digital and physical incremental renovation packages enhancing environmental and energetic behavior and use of resources
The Urban Mining (UM) approach as part of the Circular Economy (CE) model has emerged as a significant paradigm in the construction industry due to its evident positive impact on the environment. Within the AEGIR project, UM plays a decisive role as the solution will consider com
Die Transformation der linearen Wirtschaft hin zu einer Circular Economy birgt das Potenzial, den aktuellen Ressourcenverbrauch und Emissionsausstoß der Baubranche zu reduzieren. Dabei werden ein radikales Umdenken aller am Bauprozess beteiligten Akteure und die Umsetzung von Wie