89 records found


Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a commonly used tool to assess the environmental performance of buildings. In LCA, the dwelling is assessed from cradle to grave: several environmental aspects of the winning of raw materials, the production of building materials, the use phase and ...
Human health damages due to exposure to substances emitted to indoor air are not included in life cycle assessment methodologies for dwellings. Intake fractions have been calculated for organic compounds emitted to the indoor air of four dwelling types based on Dutch reference dw ...
Current life cycle assessment methodologies for dwellings often do not address health damages of occupants related to local road traffic. In this study, a methodology has been developed to calculate damages to human health of occupants caused by substances and noise emitted by ne ...
Depletion of mineral resources is a widely used impact category in life cycle impact assessment. Traditionally, the stock-to-use ratio is the basis for characterisation factors, but this approach is criticised, as it is very difficult to define the stocks. Several alternative met ...