Circular Image

91 records found


This article describes the TU Delft's 2020 experiences during the pandemic in teaching and learning urban design and planning for (post-)COVID-19 times. The article presents the view why, that and how the themes of spatial resilience
and governance resilience should be emphas ...
The impact of COVID-19 on urban life and cities has been increasingly discussed over the last months. Academics, civil society organisations, policy makers and journalists have reflected on how this exceptional situation impacts cities, urban life, and people’s lives in general. ...
In this article, we introduce a dissensual knowledge production mechanism for the creation and governance of the commons. Rather than seeking a singular truth which is a social construct, producing a bricolage of truths by citizen associations or communities opens up new perspect ...

De circulaire stad van morgen

Aandachtspunten bij het droombeeld van de circulaire economie

Circulaire economie moet dé pijler worden van een bloeiend en veerkrachtig Vlaanderen. De omslag naar een circulaire economie is sinds enkele jaren een prioriteit van de Vlaamse regering. De aandacht neemt niet af. De Europese, gewestelijke en federale politieke agenda's zullen d ...

Virtuality and fostering critical design thinking

An exploration of the possibilities through critical theory, design practices and networked learning

This chapter explores challenges and opportunities pertaining to networked learning in architecture and urban design studio education. Today, ‘Starchitects’ have taken centre stage on the global design platform, playing the role of individual geniuses. The spotlight of attenti ...

Eversion can be briefly defined as the outflow of the virtual into the real. It is an emergent and open-ended process through which "life-as-we-know" is transformed into "life-as-it-could-be." In this study, we will use eversion as a generative metaphor and illustrate how virt ...

More than twenty years after the repeal of the Group Areas Act

Housing, spatial planning and urban development in post-apartheid South Africa

More than twenty years after the repeal of the Group Areas Act, South Africa is facing a number of challenges with regards to housing, spatial planning and urban development. Government institutions, scholars, NGO's and local communities have been looking for innovative ways t ...

This paper introduces the PHP (People's Housing Process) approach to housing provision in South-Africa as a noteworthy third way that allows housing provision for the urban poor. In this contribution we will illustrate how, in an assisted approach of self-help housing, the gov ...

This study introduces a conceptual analysis, a typological framework which aims to map a wide array of possible virtual worlds into a larger frame and explore their significance for architectural education. Using this analysis, we discuss the properties of virtual worlds in fo ...

Victoria Mxenge

A Story About More Than Women Building Their Community

During the 1990s, a small group of women constructed 148 houses near the townships of Gugulethu and Nyanga in Cape Town. The small neighbourhood became the flagship project of the South African Homeless People's Federation (SAHPF), and the government used the insights of these wo ...

Immediately after WW2 numerous large-scale housing estates began to spring up. More often than not they consisted of high-rises. Merely 50 years later a great number of these developments are in the process of demolition or are seriously undergoing restructuring. The Modernist ...

The reverse side of the medal

About the 2010 FIFA world cup and the beautification of the N2 in Cape Town

This paper aims to show the reverse side of the (football) medal. The N2 gateway project in Cape Town is presented, by government and media, as a 'flagship' project of the new Breaking New Ground strategy, to fight the housing backlog of 400,000 houses in the city. But I want ...