J.W.F. Wamelink
92 records found
Despite growing government and market interest to use Circular Building Hubs for reusing construction components, few academic articles have been written about them. We know little about the potential of hubs to answer to the challenges of reuse in the present and future, and the
Aligning practices towards a circular economy in the architecture, engineering, and construction sector
Seven transitions in different stages of reconfiguration
The architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) sector is in need of a transition towards a circular economy. This article offers an analysis of two cases with a wide variation regarding project dynamics in the Netherlands. Alignments and misalignments were analyzed between
Within the framework of 'Blueprints for messy cities? Navigating the interplay of order and complexity at the "Reinventing the City" conference, this paper delves into a critical aspect of circular urban development and the assessment of building material reusability. As cities l
Crossovers between Sustainability Transitions Research and Social Practice Theory
A Systematic Literature Review
Researchers employ many different approaches to study transitions towards more sustainable futures, of which Sustainability Transitions Research and Social Practice Theory are often used. These approaches offer complementary concepts that are helpful to analyse, explain, forecast
Circularity for Educators’, and a second platform for interaction and direct exchange that we call ‘Educators for Circularity’, are part and parcel of the Circular Impulse Initiative (CII), a project intending to enhance the integration of circularity in BK education. Whereas th
Het juiste woningconcept voor ieder project
Versnelling van de bouwproductie en kwaliteit door inzicht in woningconcepten
In Nederland worden te weinig woningen geproduceerd om aan de vraag te voldoen. Conceptuele woningbouw biedt voor een deel van de opgave de kans om de productie te verhogen en te versnellen. In de markt is een grote variëteit van conceptaanbieders aanwezig. Conceptuele woningen w
Leidraad Circulair Ontwerpen
Werkafspraken voor een circulaire bouw
Deze leidraad gaat over circulair ontwerpen, hét moment waarin circulaire ambities vorm krijgen. De keuzes die dan worden gemaakt, hebben immers een grote invloed op het resultaat. Maar dan moeten we er natuurlijk wel voor zorgen, dat de juiste keuzes worden gemaakt. En ook moete
Circularity aims to make waste obsolete by both closing and narrowing resource loops and by extending the lifespan of materials and products. This fundamentally different approach to construction practices necessitates a completely different method of organising the construction
The Paris Agreement requires building retrofitting practices to be more efficient and effective. However, the current practice for building energy retrofitting is lacking behind, and one reason for that is the time-consuming process of energy credit evaluation. Energy performance
The aim of this paper is to better understand the dynamics of circular construction projects and how these interorganizational projects contribute to the transition towards a circular economy. It is essential that the construction sector develops and adopts interorganizational in
In dit hoofdstuk staan de verschillende aspecten van de rol van een bouwkundig ingenieur centraal. Allereerst wordt ingegaan op de verschillende rollen die een bouwkundige ingenieur vervult in het projecten netwerk, over het algemeen als medewerker binnen een private of publieke
Implementation of circularity in the building process
A case study research into organizing the actor network and decision-making process
Circularity aims to reduce waste by closing and narrowing resource loops and by extending the lifetime of materials and products. As a consequence of this fundamentally different approach to construction practices, implementation entails a different organization of the building p
Project-based firms have to capture value from the projects in which they engage. This can be challenging as firms need to reconcile project goals and organizational goals while attempting to avoid the slippage of value to other actors. Drawing on interviews with architects and c
his study investigates whether integrative and collaborative practices of the construction industry can be exclusively attributed to integrated project-delivery methods or whether traditional project-delivery methods also foster integration within project-based design teams. Proj
The circular economy approach in a flexible housing project
A proposal for affordable housing solution in Malaysia
The demand for housing and affordable housing specifically will always become challenges for the government of the day. The solutions at the moment between conventional construction and IBS facing quality and costing problems respectively. In this article, it proposes the introdu
Future roles for architects
An academic design guide
‘Future Roles for Architects’ describes the core insights from a research project into new role structures in the Dutch architectural sector, conducted as part of the futurA project on “future value chains of architectural services”. For four years a joint team from Delft Univers
De toekomstige rol van de architect
Een wetenschappelijke ontwerpgids
‘De toekomstige rol van de architect’ beschrijft de essentie van onze wetenschappelijke verkenning naar nieuwe rolstructuren in de Nederlandse architectenbranche. Deze verkenning is uitgevoerd in het kader van het futurA project, dat verwijst naar future value chains of architect
Recent studies have shown that professionals in the built environment need new or improved business strategies to survive in increasingly dynamic and competitive environments. To gain insight into how professional businesses can be successfully reshaped, a profound understanding