J.S.J. Koolwijk

43 records found

Upgrading existing social housing (SH) requires user-centred participatory processes to promote values. Comparative case studies in Brazil, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK are presented. Living Labs (LLs) were conducted for the delivery of user values and to promote an infor ...

Knowledge sharing through scenario development

Experiences of an interdisciplinary and international research project

This paper discusses knowledge sharing through scenario development as applied in the interdisciplinary and international research project uVITAL. It focused on user-oriented upgrading of the social housing stock. The aim was to gain deeper insights into the specificities and com ...

De wendbare projectorganisatie

Onderdelen van een projectorganisatie die de wendbaarheid bevorderen en de aanwezigheid daarvan in verschillende bouworganisatievormen

In de bouw staan we voor een groot aantal uitdagingen die hun weerslag hebben op hoe we bouwprojecten organiseren. Klimaatverandering vraagt om innovatieve en duurzame oplossingen. Er worden meer projecten in dicht bevolkte gebieden gerealiseerd hetgeen ons voor logistieke uitdag ...

Het juiste woningconcept voor ieder project

Versnelling van de bouwproductie en kwaliteit door inzicht in woningconcepten

In Nederland worden te weinig woningen geproduceerd om aan de vraag te voldoen. Conceptuele woningbouw biedt voor een deel van de opgave de kans om de productie te verhogen en te versnellen. In de markt is een grote variëteit van conceptaanbieders aanwezig. Conceptuele woningen w ...

Rules, Power and Trust

Interplay between inter-organizational structures and interpersonal relationships in project-based organizations in the construction industry

The aim of this PhD project was to explore the multi-level interplay between the inter-organizational structures and interpersonal relations in building project organizations. In the first two studies, quantitative approaches were used to validate assumptions about how inter-orga ...
This study investigates the motives of clients, contractors and subcontractors and underlying conditions favoring strategic partnering formation in the Dutch retrofit market. In-depth interviews were conducted with six clients, six contractors, and two subcontractors concerning f ...
Purpose – To explore how and why the social structures of strategic partnerships are shaped by actors and how these interrelate with a team’s interpersonal relationships over time. Grasping the complexity of this interplay is essential if we want to comprehend what actually goes ...
This study investigates how a no-blame culture affects the effectiveness of project-based design teams across different project delivery methods in the construction industry. Ninety-two team members of 34 project-based design teams assessed the no-blame culture, level of teamwork ...
A no-blame culture is often promoted as an important driver for teamwork which in turn would lead to higher project team effectiveness in construction industry projects. The research on these relations, however, is scarce in the construction industry and mainly based on case stud ...
his study investigates whether integrative and collaborative practices of the construction industry can be exclusively attributed to integrated project-delivery methods or whether traditional project-delivery methods also foster integration within project-based design teams. Proj ...