Circular Image

K.B.J. Van den Berghe

48 records found

How ex ante policy evaluation supports circular city development

Amsterdam's mass timber construction policy

This article aimed to assess the potential impact of policy actions to support mass timber construction through an ex ante policy analysis in Amsterdam. Through a combination of policy coherence analysis and agent-based simulation, the study evaluates 130 policy actions, includin ...

Whither port geography?

A reflection both backward and forward

This paper enacts a dialogue between planning literature on polycentric urban regions (PUR) and port geography literature on multi-port gateways. The main proposition is that polycentric systems are the emergent outcome of the interactions between three dimensions of polycentrici ...
Circular economy (CE) is territorialised. Economic activities are spatially embedded; they operate across a variety of scales and are heavily influenced by their spatial context. Yet the CE academic literature and policy frameworks rarely address this dimension. If CE policies ar ...
One of the five circular economy (CE) principles is “localisation” or “localism”, understood as a smaller geographical consumption–production system that fits better with local needs. Rightfully, the rationale for localism is derived from ecological principles. However, these arg ...

Bedrijvigheid en wonen

Van Central Business naar Central (re)manufacturing district?

Bedrijvigheid en wonen in de stad zijn met elkaar verbonden. Doel van dit hoofdstuk is de causaliteit van waarom we woningen in de stad nodig hebben kritisch in context en tijd te plaatsen. Causaliteit beschrijft de relatie tussen oorzaak en gevolg. Wonen in de stad wordt hier al ...

Spatial planning of the circular economy in uncertain times

Focusing on the changing relation between port, city, and hinterland

The circular economy (CE) brings many opportunities, but also many challenges for ports, cities, and their hinterland. The goal of this paper is twofold. First, we embrace the inherent uncertainty of the spatial impact of the CE on ports and cities. We employ scenario methodology ...
As circular economy policies are adopted to tackle unsustainable built environment patterns related to carbon emissions and inefficient use of resources, scholars warn about the inadequacy of such policies to support sustainable urban development. Siloed circular economy policies ...
This deliverable is the outcome of Task 1.1, Theoretical and Conceptual Framework, within
the FABRIX project’s Work Package 1, Theory and Methodology. The document lays out a
comprehensive framework to guide research across the project, which aims to establish
sustain ...
A geographic information system (GIS) stores, manipulates, analyses, and visualises spatial data. GIS enables the mapping of building elements and components and can optimise the location of facilities for circular activities, thus contributing to the closing of material loops an ...
Deliverable 1.2, part of WP1 ‘Theory and Methodology’, outlines the methodologies
developed and used for the FABRIX project, which aims to foster the creation of circular
and regenerative textile and clothing (T&C) ecosystems in urban environments. This
document i ...
This closing chapter brings together the main messages from each chapter. It formulates a policy agenda for circular cities and regions. It does so by providing a set of recommendations for policy practice. These are addressed at authorities and policy stakeholders at the interna ...

Het verduurzamen van bedrijventerreinen

Hou(dt) (geen) rekening met de (veranderende maatschappelijk noodzakelijke) bedrijven

This chapter applies the polycentric port region perspective on the US Gulf Region. This concept, which originates from urban studies, has recently been adapted by Van den Berghe et al. (2022) to study multiport gateway regions, with focus on the European Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antw ...
Circularity for Educators’, and a second platform for interaction and direct exchange that we call ‘Educators for Circularity’, are part and parcel of the Circular Impulse Initiative (CII), a project intending to enhance the integration of circularity in BK education. Whereas th ...
The thesis of this commentary is that the success of ports does not depend on results, but on the perception of the port. Today, the success of the port is changing rapidly. From being a logistical champion in attracting cargo, we now increasingly want ports to help our society; ...

Friends with benefits

The emergence of the Amsterdam–Rotterdam–Antwerp (ARA) polycentric port region

This paper enacts a dialogue between planning literature on polycentric urban regions (PUR) and port geography literature on multi-port gateways. The main proposition is that polycentric systems are the emergent outcome of the interactions between three dimensions of polycentrici ...