E.J. Meijers
201 records found
Intercity networks and urban performance
A geographical text mining approach
Compared to the burgeoning literature discussing the importance of agglomeration externalities for development, limited attention has been given to network externalities. This is largely due to limited data availability. We propose a general measure to proxy city network external
Friends with benefits
The emergence of the Amsterdam–Rotterdam–Antwerp (ARA) polycentric port region
This paper enacts a dialogue between planning literature on polycentric urban regions (PUR) and port geography literature on multi-port gateways. The main proposition is that polycentric systems are the emergent outcome of the interactions between three dimensions of polycentrici
Breaking with the spatial-cycle model
The shift towards ‘syncurbanization’ in polycentric urban regions
This paper criticizes traditional models of urban–regional expansion, which depart from monocentric ideals of urban core and ring. The original spatial-cycle model (SCM) suggests repeating stages of urbanization, suburbanization, disurbanization and re-urbanization. We reconceptu
This article proposes moving beyond the tyranny of economic imperatives towards a human needs-based framework to assess cities and envision their development. Existing calls for such a transition lack a foundation able to capture the various dimensions of human life in cities, wh
Metropolization Processes and Intra-Regional Contrasts
The Uneven Fortunes of English Secondary Cities
As urbanization spreads across territories, interdependencies between the cities composing a city-region fuel a process of functional and spatial integration labelled as metropolisation. This chapter discusses whether secondary cities can benefit from that process. Focusing on th
This chapter presents the concept of metropolization, defined as the dynamics of interaction between spatial-functional, political-institutional and cultural-symbolic integration processes across city-regions, which transform these fragmented territories into coherent metropolita
Infrastructuur, ruimte en grenzen
Havenontwikkeling en de strijd om de Schelde
Eeuwenlang is er gestreden om de controle over de Westerschelde. Van groot geopolitiek belang als toegangspoort tot de havensteden Antwerpen, Gent en het Europese achterland, en andersom, als verbinding met de wereld. De landsgrens die dwars door het Scheldebekken loopt, heeft la
We aim to consolidate the concept of metropolisation as a lens to examine urban region integration in territories characterized by extensive urbanization. Metropolisation is defined as the process through which institutionally, functionally, and spatially fragmented urbanized reg
Information diffusion between Dutch cities
Revisiting Zipf and Pred using a computational social science approach
News travels fast and far, and the general idea is that the spatial extent of news coverage has increased over time. Information flows are always involved in systems of interdependent cities. This is the reason why George Zipf and Allan Pred, both pioneers of the urban systems li
Previous studies have highlighted the importance of having long term data for the study of cities, but such sources are relatively scarce. This is especially the case for data about relations between cities, which is a crucial aspect of urban dynamics. Over the last two decades,
Borrowed size refers to the idea that small cities near larger metropolitan centres can reap the advantages of large agglomerations, but without the costs of agglomeration. The study explores whether broadband internet helps such smaller cities to enjoy the labour market benefits
Working from Home and Commuting
Heterogeneity over Time, Space, and Occupations
Teleworking may increase the willingness to accept a longer commute. This paper presents new evidence of the effect of teleworking on the length of commutes. We use novel panel data from the Netherlands, for the years 2008-2018, and find stronger effects compared to studies that
A bourgeoning literature is stressing the crucial importance of agglomeration economies provided by large cities for personal, business and territorial development. One of the main reasons for the economic, demographic and social struggles of rural regions is exactly the lack of
Over the past two decades, research in regional science has paid considerable attention to the benefits of urban density and proximity, even though there has been tremendous progress within the same period in technologies that ease the friction of distance (e.g. mobile communicat
Why bright city lights dazzle and illuminate
A cognitive science approach to urban promises
Despite the many uncertainties of life in cities, promises of economic prosperity, social mobility and happiness have fuelled the imagination of generations of urban migrants in search of a better life. Access to jobs, housing and amenities, and fewer restrictions of personal cho
In this chapter, we discuss the use of gravity models in the study of spatial structure. Using the recent discussion on functional polycentricity as a background, we argue that the gravity model approach has one obvious advantage when examining spatial structure: it can simultane
Information Technology and Local Product Variety
Substitution, Complementarity and Spillovers
This paper addresses the interaction between information technology (IT) and agglomeration. The literature distinguishes two types of interactions, namely a substitution effect and a complementarity effect. We conceptualise a third effect, namely a ‘spillover’ mechanism, by which
The Belgian-Dutch Polycentric Port Region
Analysing the (mis)match between existing multiplex networks and their (inter)national policy settings
Both Belgium (Flemish Diamond) and The Netherlands (Randstad) are seen as standard examples of polycentric urban regions (PUR). In the first part of this paper, we examine quantitatively if this polycentricity also applies to the ports of these urban regions. Our results show tha
The Evolution of the Systems of Cities Literature Since 1995
Schools of Thought and their Interaction
The study of relations between cities has long been a major focus in urban research. For decades, this field has grown integrating contributions from many disciplines. But today, the field appears rather fragmented. This study analyses the body of literature that has developed ov