
D.W. de Vos

11 records found

Borrowed size refers to the idea that small cities near larger metropolitan centres can reap the advantages of large agglomerations, but without the costs of agglomeration. The study explores whether broadband internet helps such smaller cities to enjoy the labour market benefits ...
It is increasingly recognized that urbanization economies – the benefits of living in cities – can be generated by proximity to large cities (OECD 2015). Several scholars have put forward that places near other large cities are increasingly able to ‘borrow size’ of their neighbou ...

Working from Home and Commuting

Heterogeneity over Time, Space, and Occupations

Teleworking may increase the willingness to accept a longer commute. This paper presents new evidence of the effect of teleworking on the length of commutes. We use novel panel data from the Netherlands, for the years 2008-2018, and find stronger effects compared to studies that ...
Over the past two decades, research in regional science has paid considerable attention to the benefits of urban density and proximity, even though there has been tremendous progress within the same period in technologies that ease the friction of distance (e.g. mobile communicat ...

Information Technology and Local Product Variety

Substitution, Complementarity and Spillovers

This paper addresses the interaction between information technology (IT) and agglomeration. The literature distinguishes two types of interactions, namely a substitution effect and a complementarity effect. We conceptualise a third effect, namely a ‘spillover’ mechanism, by which ...

Why bright city lights dazzle and illuminate

A cognitive science approach to urban promises

Despite the many uncertainties of life in cities, promises of economic prosperity, social mobility and happiness have fuelled the imagination of generations of urban migrants in search of a better life. Access to jobs, housing and amenities, and fewer restrictions of personal cho ...
It is generally found that workers are more inclined to accept a job that is located farther away from home if they have the ability to work from home one day a week or more (telecommuting). Such findings inform us about the effectiveness of telecommuting policies that try to all ...
We estimate the effect of parking occupancy on distances walked between parking and residential locations in Amsterdam. Using data from scanner cars, we show that walking distances only increase when the occupancy rate exceeds 85 per cent. However, the marginal effect of occupanc ...
It is generally found that workers are more inclined to accept a job that is located farther away from home if they have the ability to work from home one day a week or more (telecommuting). Such findings inform us about the effectiveness of telecommuting policies that try to all ...

The City as a Self-Help Book

The Psychology of Urban Promises

Despite the many negative aspects of life in cities, urban promises of economic prosperity, freedom and happiness have fuelled the imagination of generations of migrants, who have flocked to cities in search of a better life, invariably exaggerating the opportunities and neglecte ...

Reviews, Restaurants en Ruimte

Hoe het delen van ervaringen de ruimtelijke spreiding van het restaurantaanbod beïnvloedt

Het hebben van keuze uit verschillende soorten restaurants wordt gezien als een typisch stedelijk consumptievoordeel. Immers, daar vind je een grote variëteit aan restaurants met keukens uit alle windstreken. Echter, het online delen van ervaringen in restaurants, op recensiewebs ...