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38 records found

Projecting for accelerating sustainability transitions

Practices of joint value creation in circular economy programs

To accelerate sustainability transitions, interorganizational change programs aim to renew the foundations upon which organizations and industries operate. Actors involved in these programs need to project for realizing and protecting future value within the constraints of existi ...

Anticipating joint value creation in a local energy transformation project

The inclusivity, flexibility, and creativity paradox.

How Much Decision Power Should (A)I Have?

Investigating Patients' Preferences Towards AI Autonomy in Healthcare Decision Making

Despite the growing potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in improving clinical decision making, patients' perspectives on the use of AI for their care decision making are underexplored. In this paper, we investigate patients' preferences towards the autonomy of AI in assisti ...
Christopher Alexander’s Pattern Language Theory (PLT) has been recognized as a valuable methodology to understand complex systems. It has been applied across domains through a variety of different approaches. This article reviews exist-ing approaches to PLT application and reflec ...
It is no news that it is challenging to run a financially successful architecture business. Clients do not always need or value the full spectrum of services an architect wishes to provide, making it increasingly hard to negotiate a profitable fee. It is not only market condition ...
Changing a specific health behaviour can be highly com- plex and is often influenced by many personal, social, and environmental factors. Therefore, interventions that aim at behaviour change cannot be one-size-fits-all solutions, and no behaviour change technique is effective fo ...
This paper unpacks how actors navigate the multiple organizational, interorganizational and industry contexts that are associated with system transformation programs for addressing wicked, societal problems. Because system transformation programs can only succeed when changes are ...
This chapter positions designers as actors in multidisciplinary collaboration within municipal, commercial or educational settings. It supports designers and those working with designers by triggering reflection on empathy as a work-related yet subjective issue in such contexts. ...
Prenatal nutrition is a key predictor of early-life development. However, despite mass campaigns to stimulate healthy nutrition during pregnancy, the diet of Dutch pregnant women is often suboptimal. Innovative technologies offer an opportunity to develop tailored tools, which re ...

Short and long-term innovations on dietary behavior assessment and coaching

Present efforts and vision of the pride and prejudice consortium

Overweight, obesity and cardiometabolic diseases are major global health concerns. Lifestyle factors, including diet, have been acknowledged to play a key role in the solution of these health risks. However, as shown by numerous studies, and in clinical practice, it is extremely ...
Preventing or decreasing chronic health conditions by healthy eating is increasingly seen as a shared responsibility. Defining what is healthy is person-specific, depending amongst others on a person’s health and responses to food. Supermarkets, which are considered highly influe ...
Hoe kunnen ontwerpers beter omgaan met waarden in complexe projecten? Sommige mensen kijken naar wat er gecreëerd wordt in een project, anderen juist naar wat mensen in deze projecten motiveert. Industrieel Ontwerpen, TU Delft onderzoeker Marina Bos-de Vos stelt dat het om alleb ...
How can we better cope with value dynamics in complex projects as designers? Some people look at what is being created in a project, others look at what drives people in a projects. Industrial Design Engineering, TU Delft researcher Marina Bos-de Vos argues it should be about b ...
Designers increasingly collaborate with other actors to deliver designs that address diverse stakeholder needs. Such multidisciplinary design processes revolve around integrating various, often divergent values, including the ideals that collaborating actors have, and the differe ...
In dit hoofdstuk staan de verschillende aspecten van de rol van een bouwkundig ingenieur centraal. Allereerst wordt ingegaan op de verschillende rollen die een bouwkundige ingenieur vervult in het projecten netwerk, over het algemeen als medewerker binnen een private of publieke ...

Collaboration in open innovation health initiatives

Working towards a sustainable healthcare system

Open innovation initiatives in the health sector are considered spaces that can fuel systemic change. However, it is not clear yet how these initiatives contribute to the transition to a sustainable healthcare system. This research explores how actors in open innovation health in ...
Project Value Modelling helps to discuss how values in design projects can be created and captured. For a particular project, value-related questions are answered that, step by step, generate an overview of important relationships, tensions, and opportunities. This allows you to ...
This video allows anybody to teach or practice designing for values in a financially and professionally responsible manner. Creative professionals focusing on designing for client and stakeholder values often struggle to transform their work into sustainable business models that ...
Project-based firms have to capture value from the projects in which they engage. This can be challenging as firms need to reconcile project goals and organizational goals while attempting to avoid the slippage of value to other actors. Drawing on interviews with architects and c ...