Rob Roggema
9 records found
When the Bear Comes to Town
How the City Could Create Nature
The relationship between humans and nature is in permanent change. Where the city and nature used to be seen as enemies that needed to be kept away from each other, the current paradigm looks at a more symbiotic relationship. In this, man is seen as part of nature, and the city i
Importance of the region as integrating level.Doing more in less space.Through systemintegration, we can become an energy-supplying society.Making connections between themes and sectors.Building on communities of education, interdisciplinarity, society, and professional practice.
Cultivating and stirring up urgencies: wait and plan.Spotlighting the jewels of North-Holland.Formulating new tasks to speed up housingconstruction.Quicker, cheaper, nicer, and more adaptive living through changeable and modular thinking, and becoming more sustainable by lengthen
Missie Kennisregio aan Zee 2070
Ruimtelijke voorwaarden voor duurzame economische ontwikkeling en een leefbare toekomst van de Zuid-Hollandse kustregio
De Kennisregio aan Zee 2070 is een ruimtelijk-economische samenwerking tussen de steden Den Haag, Zoetermeer, Delft en Leiden, de provincie Zuid Holland en kennisinstellingen TU Delft, Universiteit Leiden en de Haagse Hogeschool. De missie: laat de economie bijdragen aan oplossin
Realizing Emergent Ecologies
Nature-Based Solutions from Design to Implementation
The current state of nature is concerning. The levels of biodiversity are rapidly decreasing; existing policies sketch ambitious objectives, but their effectiveness is relatively low. This is caused by a combination of three main elements: physical elements, planning processes, a
Nature-Based Deployment Strategies for Multiple Paces of Change
The Case of Oimachi, Japan
In this article a planning approach is proposed to accommodate different paces of urbanisation. Instead of responding to a single problem with a Pavlov-type of response, analysis shows that the transformational tempi of different urban landscapes require multiple deployment strat
Designing the Adaptive Landscape
Leapfrogging Stacked Vulnerabilities
In the Anthropocene, climate impacts are expected to fundamentally change the way we live in, and plan and design for, our cities and landscapes. Long-term change and uncertainty require a long view, while current planning approaches and policy making are mostly short-term orient
Nature-Based Urbanization
Scan Opportunities, Determine Directions and Create Inspiring Ecologies
To base urbanization on nature, inspiring ecologies are necessary. The concept of nature-based solutions (NBS) could be helpful in achieving this goal. State of the art urban planning starts from the aim to realize a (part of) a city, not to improve natural quality or increase bi
Urban Energy Masterplanning
Approaches, Strategies, and Methods for the Energy Transition in Cities
Many cities across the world have the ambition of becoming carbon neutral, but exact figures of progress toward that goal are limited. Regarding Europe’s not overly ambitious 2020 carbon emission targets, many countries still have a long way to go (see Fig. 1), with cities as the