Circular Image

U.D. Hackauf

18 records found

The Netherlands aims to achieve climate resilience and water robustness by 2050, necessitating an interdisciplinary approach to spatial planning due to the complex nature of climate adaptation. A critical need exists for subsurface data, especially for interventions related to un ...

Ruimte voor wonen

Naar een integrale aanpak van de Nederlandse woonopgave

“De woningcrisis biedt kansen. De kans om een duurzaam en langdurig gezond woonklimaat te realiseren.”

Woningnood is geen nieuw verschijnsel in ons land. Al in de negentiende eeuw leidde snelle bevolkingsgroei en verstedelijking tot een huisvestingstekort; de woningwet v ...

The Circular Economy Concept in Design Education

Enhancing Understanding and Innovation by Means of Situated Learning

The concept of circular economy (CE) is high on the agenda of many planning agencies in European countries. It has also become a prominent issue in European academic education institutions. It is expected that spatial planning and design can support and add the spatial quality di ...