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Amineh Ghorbani

79 records found

Integrating hydrogen into energy systems presents challenges involving social dynamics among stakeholders beyond technical considerations. A gap exists in understanding how these dynamics influence the deployment of hydrogen technologies and infrastructure, particularly in infras ...

Network dynamics of solar PV adoption

Reconsidering flat tax-credits and influencer seeding for inclusive renewable energy access in Albany county, New York

Governments often use price-based policies such as tax-subsidies and rebates to encourage households to shift to renewable energy sources like rooftop solar photovoltaics (PV). These policies, however, have primarily benefited high-income homeowners, leaving others behind. This p ...

Water conflict analysis in a changing context

A qualitative systematic review of trends, patterns, and approaches in Iran

Foremost in dealing effectively with water conflicts is comprehensive analysis. The global surge in water conflicts, coupled with the imperfect success of solutions, initiatives, and policies, calls for a critical reevaluation of the paradigms that guide approaches to water confl ...

Caste, mistrust and municipal inaction

The interwoven barriers for the integration of waste pickers in India

Solid waste management in low- and middle-income countries like India faces significant challenges due to the increasing waste generation that surpasses the current capacity. Therefore, the informal waste sector (IWS) is more vital than ever in handling consumer waste alongside m ...
Social disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic challenged existing institutional arrangements that govern the society. During that time, nation-states had to prevent the collapse of society and rapidly establish new institutions and adapt existing ones to address public healt ...

Understanding Institutional Compliance in Floor Risk Management

A Network Analysis Approach Highlighting the Significance of Institutional Linkages and Context

Governments worldwide are intensifying efforts to address escalating flood risks exacerbated by climate change. Central to this endeavor is the implementation of institutional frameworks, such as public policies, aimed at mitigating, planning for, responding to, and recovering fr ...

Understanding engineering ethics in countries

Towards an analytical framework

In recent decades, distinct national approaches to engineering ethics have evolved, each tailored to its unique contextual factors. These contextual disparities make it unfeasible to transfer one country's engineering ethics approach directly into another. This calls for a compel ...

Infrastructure and governance

Prioritising energy security dimensions for community energy systems

Energy security is one of the most important topics in energy-related literature. As such, various concepts and dimensions are introduced to contribute to energy security assessments. However, the literature lacks an approach to prioritise these dimensions, as they cannot always ...

Ruimte voor wonen

Naar een integrale aanpak van de Nederlandse woonopgave

“De woningcrisis biedt kansen. De kans om een duurzaam en langdurig gezond woonklimaat te realiseren.”

Woningnood is geen nieuw verschijnsel in ons land. Al in de negentiende eeuw leidde snelle bevolkingsgroei en verstedelijking tot een huisvestingstekort; de woningwet v ...
This editorial paper for the special section on “Modelling Values in Socio/Technical/Ecological Systems” introduces interdisciplinary perspectives on values and reflects on growing appeals for modelling values. In public and academic discourses, values typically relate to matter ...

Value dynamics in energy democracy

An exploration of community energy initiatives

In the European Union, energy democracy (ED) is considered a socially desirable policy goal. One way to achieve ED is through empowering local communities to become agents of value change who can pursue more sustainable and equitable energy provision with community energy initiat ...


Institutional adaptation and transformation for climate resilience

Establishing industrial community energy systems

Simulating the role of institutional designs and societal attributes

The importance of decreasing industrial CO2 footprints has become evident, as also highlighted in COP26. As such, the transition to renewable energy in the industrial sector is essential to meet the targets. To this aim, establishing industrial community energy systems (InCES) wh ...
Agent-based modelling and simulation (ABMS), whether simple toy models or complex data-driven ones, is regularly applied in various domains to study the system-level patterns arising from individual behaviour and interactions. However, ABMS still faces diverse challenges such as ...
Based on analyzing the composing elements of the water governance regime in the Hirmand River Basin, Iran, this paper examines the factors that facilitate the emergence of Adaptive Governance in a Global South context. Although the literature provides valuable insights into the c ...
Climate adaptation measures are shaped and implemented through processes of governance, where the interactions and decision-making among actors lead to the creation and reinforcement of institutions. Institutions in this respect are the rules that shape the interactions of actors ...

Industrial community energy systems

Simulating the role of financial incentives and societal attributes

Considering that the industrial sector consumes almost one-third of the energy demand globally, it is an urgent call to reduce the carbon footprints in this sector. Among different approaches to meet this goal, such as the employment of carbon capture technologies and increasing ...

Institutional modelling

Adding social backbone to agent-based models

Institutional modelling is a branch of agent-based modelling and simulation (ABMS) that pays special attention to the social structure by incorporating institutions into these models. Institutions, in this regard, are the rules of the system that shape individual behaviour and in ...

Collaborative Renewable Energy Generation among Industries

The Role of Social Identity, Awareness and Institutional Design

Like many other sectors, climate change strategies have put various restrictions on industry, the most prominent one being caps on CO2 and other energy-related emissions. At the same time, and especially in many developing economies, the industry struggles with an incr ...
Energy communities are decentralized socio-technical systems where energy is jointly generated and distributed among a community of households locally. As the energy that is shared among the community is commonly electricity, the energy community's literature is dominated by elec ...