
D.E. van Gameren

71 records found

Ruimte voor wonen

Naar een integrale aanpak van de Nederlandse woonopgave

“De woningcrisis biedt kansen. De kans om een duurzaam en langdurig gezond woonklimaat te realiseren.”

Woningnood is geen nieuw verschijnsel in ons land. Al in de negentiende eeuw leidde snelle bevolkingsgroei en verstedelijking tot een huisvestingstekort; de woningwet v ...

Dwelling Beyond Cultural Differences

Architectural education for peripheral urbanization in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and India

Brazilian anthropologist Teresa Caldeira describes peripheral urbanization as a bottom-up way of producing cities that is pervasive in the Global South. Using peripheral urbanization as a theoretical framework, this chapter analyzes the results of three housing design studios, or ...
Building adequate housing is a pressing issue worldwide. With close to a billion people currently living in slums, accommodating a growing population, and improving dwelling conditions is a critical issue for society. This challenge cannot be solved with a one-size-fits-all appr ...

Shaping Addis Ababa

The formative role of diplomacy

This chapter looks at the evolution of Addis Ababa through the agency of diplomacy. It focuses on the urban morphological and architectural manifestation of diplomacy in the city, based on a timeline of five recognizable periods. Using exemplary cases, it illustrates the physical ...
In developed countries, the share of the elderly (65+) is growing quickly. In the Netherlands it might reach 25 to 30% of the population by 2040 (see Figure 1). We design best living concepts for the elderly, based on a research in their residential preferences. Our novel methodo ...

Unveiling Iranian courtyard house

The example of Kuy-e Chaharsad-Dastgah (1946–1950)

This article discusses the transformation of the traditional Iranian courtyard house type and neighbourhood structure in the early 20th century Iran, and focuses on the design of public housing in the country’s early years of modernisation, after the second World War. It explores ...
Het kunstenaarsatelier is een bijzondere vorm van wonen-werken. In Amsterdam-Zuid demonstreren deze ateliers hoe binnen twee decennia verschuivingen in stedenbouwkundige ideeën grote gevolgen hadden voor de wijze waarop de combinatie wonen-werken een plek kreeg in de stad.

Best living concepts for elderly homeowners

Combining a stated choice experiment with architectural design

In this paper we combine the insights from social sciences and architecture to design best living concepts for a specific target group, elderly homeowners. We perform a stated choice experiment to study residential preferences of this group and translate the results into an archi ...
A public exhibition held between 4 July and 25 July 2018 at the Indian Institute of Architecture, Kolkata, on the housing designs of Charles Correa.@en
Public exhibition held between 1st November and 30th November 2018 at Lilavati Lalbhai Library, CEPT University on the housing designs of Charles Correa.@en

Dwelling with the Other Half

Architectural Education for the Design of Affordable Housing in the Global South

This essay reviews critical design pedagogies developed recently to explore the complexities of designing affordable housing in the global South. The essay examines in particular the pedagogical approach and the student work produced for the Global Housing design studios, offered ...

Living Ideals

Designs for Housing by Charles Correa

Charles Correa (1930-2015) was arguably one of the most important and influential Indian architects to have worked post-Independence. As an architect, planner, activist and theoretician, he realized an extensive oeuvre, both built and unbuilt, in drawings and in writings. With th ...

A City Shaped by Diplomacy

The case of Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa

Ethiopia is an old country with a long history of political change, both domestically and towards the rest of the world. Internally, Ethiopia’s ever-changing socio-political behavior was manifested by a tradition of relocating its seat of government. Axum, Lalibela, Teguelat, Gon ...
‘The shock waves of the new political economy steering housing policies are widespread across the globe’. To tackle this global crisis, we must look at people as a vital infrastructure for 21st century cities, not just to systems of pipes or cables.@en

Global Housing

Affordable Dwellings for Growing Cities

With the exhibition ‘Global Housing – Affordable Dwellings for Growing Cities’, DASH presents its latest issue at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology.@en

Global Housing

Affordable Dwellings for Growing Cities

Golbal Housing Exhibition at the Ethiopian National Theatre Gallery, Gambia St, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.@en