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N.J. Amorim Mota

98 records found

State-subsidised housing designed for income generation

The case of K206 housing in Johannesburg

State-subsidised housing in the Global South often receives criticism for ­failing to meet the economic needs of low-income citizens. The K206 housing project, situated in Alexandra, Johannesburg, stands out as a unique case by not only addressing housing requirements but also ad ...

Compact Housing for Incremental Growth

The K206 RDP Project in Alexandra, Johannesburg

The South African Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) was initiated to provide subsidised housing for low‐income families. However, the programme faced challenges in establishing adequate technical guidelines and standards, resulting in subpar housing quality. This art ...

Designing for a Flow

Navigating Temporalities in Housing Considerations in Low-Income and Hazard-Prone Caribbean Contexts

The urgency of addressing housing challenges in low-income areas is increasing due to widening socio-economic inequalities and the worsening impact of natural disasters. Saint Martin, a small Caribbean island, is struggling to provide affordable housing amidst hurricanes, floods, ...

Thuis in Den Haag

Het dagelijkse leven in Den Haag Zuidwest en Ypenburg

In two successive editions (Spring 2022 and Spring 2023), 81 students from TU Delft’s Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment participated in the Architectural Ethnography course. They conducted micro-ethnographic studies in collaboration with Leiden University Medical ...

The House Gone Missing

The Digital Turn and the Architecture of Dwelling

The digital turn in architecture seems to have displaced the house as a paradigm for architectural theory. Omitting the house, and with it, housing and dwelling as key sites for the reconstitution of the discipline, recent theorisations of the digital in architecture have almost ...

De la crisis a la creatividad

El futuro de la vivienda en perspectiva

Este artículo profundiza en el debate actual sobre las interconexiones entre el proyecto de vivienda y el hábitat, destacando cómo los momentos de crisis impulsan la innovación, a menudo mostrada en exposiciones de vivienda. El artículo propone tres enfoques clave para el proyect ...
The water-resistance of cow-dung has made it a widely used stabiliser in traditional earthen structures in several Asian and African countries. Multiple studies have shown an improvement in water-resistance with the addition of cow-dung, but none provides insight into this behavi ...

Visies op Bouwlust Vrederust

Het verleden, het heden en de toekomst, geïnspireerd door verhalen van haar bewoners

Architectuurstudenten hebben gekeken naar de gedragsen bewegingspatronen van bewoners in de gebouwde omgeving in Bouwlust en Vrederust. De tentoonstelling presenteert op meerdere manieren de diverse ervaringen van haar bewoners in relatie tot de straat, de huizen en het dagelijks ...

Dwelling Beyond Cultural Differences

Architectural education for peripheral urbanization in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and India

Brazilian anthropologist Teresa Caldeira describes peripheral urbanization as a bottom-up way of producing cities that is pervasive in the Global South. Using peripheral urbanization as a theoretical framework, this chapter analyzes the results of three housing design studios, or ...

Biological Stabilisers in Earthen Construction

A Mechanistic Understanding of their Response to Water-Ingress

Earthen construction is re-gaining popularity as an ecological and economical alternative to contemporary building materials. While building with earth offers several benefits, its performance due to water ingress is a concern for its widespread application. This limitation is of ...
Building adequate housing is a pressing issue worldwide. With close to a billion people currently living in slums, accommodating a growing population, and improving dwelling conditions is a critical issue for society. This challenge cannot be solved with a one-size-fits-all appr ...

Building Together

Citizens' participation in the urban renewal of The Hague (Netherlands) in the l980s

Inhabited Voids

Visual Ethnography as a Tool for Critical Urban Transformation

The Bologna declaration states that, “successful learning and studying in higher education should involve students in deep learning”. However, a survey of faculty across institutes in Nepal and Bhutan highlights that the undergraduate students in engineering and management lack s ...
The Bologna declaration states that, “successful learning and studying in higher education should involve students in deep learning”. However, a survey of faculty across institutes in Nepal and Bhutan highlights that the undergraduate students in engineering and management lack s ...
Since the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944, housing has often been part of the foreign aid agenda of international agencies and non-governmental organisations. Housing concepts included in the development aid “packages” were often used to introduce new political ideas and economic ...

Architectural Condolences

An Experience of Transcendence

Some of the most outstanding architectural monuments were designed for, or inspired by funerary rituals and practices. The pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal in India, and the Mayan pyramids in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico are but a few notable examples. These and many other arc ...

Incremental Housing

A Short History of an Idea

This text presents an historical review of incremental housing approaches. It examines the different terminologies related with the production of housing and the design of house types that can accommodate growth and change through time. This historical account analyzes policies, ...

Hedonistic Utilitarianism

Rethinking the Architecture of Public Amenities

Africa is currently the fastest-urbanizing continent in the world. As part of this rapid growth, New Towns are increasingly employed by private developers as a means of providing well-serviced urban environments to middle- and upper-income groups. These comprehensively-planned Ne ...