52 records found


Historia de la Arquitectura Europea de Posguerra

De la obra tardía de Mies y Le Corbusier a la Posmodernidad

Online Lecture Series “History of Postwar Architecture”, lecture series at Universidad Finis Terrae, Chile. @en

Multiculturalism in post-war architecture

Aldo van eyck and the otterlo circles

This research aims to analyse the development of a multiculturalist discourse in European post-war architecture (1950s-1960s). It focuses on the work of the Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck (1918-1999), who built his theoretical framework by merging modern architecture, pre-war a ...

From classrooms to Centres

Mary and David Medd's contribution to postwar school design in Britain

The innovative school design strategies of Mary and David Medd, broke away from the idea of classrooms and incorporated the concept of Centres in architectural discourse.@en

School as a service

Platform for learning in upper secondary education operating on aalto university campus

New demands for school education, new ways of learning, and sustainability challenges, challenge conventional spatial solutions. In accordance with schools having faced considerable changes in their pedagogical principles in Europe, one can expect a justified change from a tra ...

Are house and architecture the same? Adolf Loos states two possible architectures: one with a practical, material purpose, which we name House; another with an artistic, selfless purpose, which we call Architecture. The home would be made against the architect, because the house ...
This article analyses the drawings of the Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy, the Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck and the Czech architect Bernard Rudofsky as three ways of representing architecture. It presents a comparative study of their graphic approaches as a basis to understand t ...
The essay published in rita_09 is a result of a research that studies Van Eyck’s house in Loenen aan de Vecht, an unpublished project from 1964. This paper tries, firstly, to narrate the discovery of the project. Secondly, to analyze the theoretical framework, that is, the approa ...
Today’s architect is entrusted with giving spatial form to the new ideas on education. From the discussion between philosophy and pedagogy, we learn that it is impossible to develop methodologies without the content intended to be taught. Pedagogy should result of the research th ...
In 1964 Aldo and Hannie van Eyck moved from Amsterdam to Loenen, where they acquired a 17th-century construction along the River Vecht. The rehabilitation of the house, where they lived until 1999 and 2018, conserved the fundamental elements of the historic building, transforming ...
Esta comunicación analiza los dibujos del arquitecto egipcio Hassan Fathy y el holandés Aldo van Eyck como dos maneras de representar la arquitectura. Propone un estudio comparativo de ambas propuestas gráficas como base para comprender su obra construida. Por un lado, los dibujo ...
In 1964, Aldo and Hannie van Eyck moved from Amsterdam to Loenen aan de Vecht, refurbishing an old building next to the River Vecht, a design that has remained unpublished until today. In their house, inhabited until 1999, Van Eyck used the same architectural strategies he explor ...

La disolución del Aula

Finmere Primary School (1958-59), un aprendizaje integrador, Específico y activo

The present article describes Finmere Primary School (1958-59), by the architects David and Mary Medd, which belongs to the Development Projects in Great Britain. The methodology of the article responds to Herbert Read´s theses in his book Education through Art (1943) and infl ...

This paper explores the act of drawing as a tool for analysis and cultural dissemination. It applies this idea to the house of Aldo van Eyck in Loenen aan de Vecht, in order to understand the building of which han-drawn sketches, blueprints and numerous pictures are conserved. ...

This paper analyses the photographs of Aldo van Eyck's house in Binnenkant, Amsterdam. On the one hand, the famously staged photographs by Jan Versnel are used to build a biography of architectural concepts. With their help, the house is described as a test field where the archit ...
Albeit different versions of Team 10 birth and dissolution of CIAM exist, many of them coincide in its disruptive nature. By analysing documents at Fondation Le Corbusier, this article proves that many of the ideas of Team 10 were already present within CIAM and that its creation ...