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M.E.A. Haffner

336 records found

State-subsidised housing designed for income generation

The case of K206 housing in Johannesburg

State-subsidised housing in the Global South often receives criticism for ­failing to meet the economic needs of low-income citizens. The K206 housing project, situated in Alexandra, Johannesburg, stands out as a unique case by not only addressing housing requirements but also ad ...

Compact Housing for Incremental Growth

The K206 RDP Project in Alexandra, Johannesburg

The South African Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) was initiated to provide subsidised housing for low‐income families. However, the programme faced challenges in establishing adequate technical guidelines and standards, resulting in subpar housing quality. This art ...

Subsidies or green taxes?

Evaluating the distributional effects of housing renovation policies among Dutch households

Despite persistent housing affordability issues, energy policy and housing renovation are usually investigated separately from housing costs other than energy. Researchers have examined the financial viability of renovation attending to building conditions and the socio-economic ...
De ontwerp-Wet Betaalbare Huur die door de minister voor Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening bij het parlement aanhangig is gemaakt, geeft aanleiding tot verhitte debatten tussen voor- en tegenstanders van de introductie van regulering van aanvangshuurprijzen in een groot de ...

Regulation of the Private Rented Sector

Price Control and Tenant Security

The chapter provides a state-of-the-art review of regulation of the private rented sector focusing particularly price control and tenant security. It provides a brief context of the regulatory challenges in view of the key dimensions of private renting in comparison to other tenu ...


Meer of minder particuliere huurwoningen?

Woningschaarste zorgt al een aantal jaren voor een crisis op de woningmarkt. De groei van de woningvoorraad houdt geen gelijke tred met de groei van het aantal huishoudens. Ook lukt het niet jaarlijks 100.000 woningen bij te bouwen. Het almaar groeiende woningtekort en de relatie ...
The energy transition across Europe’s built environment will probably be one of the main financial challenges of the coming decades. Renovating the social housing stock to attain the built fabric standards introduced in the European Directive on Energy Performance of Building (EP ...
The regulation of financial markets according to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria has become a priority for the European Union (EU). Recent legislation, such as the EU Green Taxonomy, aims to identify sustainable investments enhancing transparency and accountab ...
This chapter analyses whether the turnaround in market share of the Dutch private rental sector, from 10 per cent in 2009 to almost 13 per cent in 2021, can be interpreted as a new role of this tenure following the global urban rental affordability crisis. Based on a literature r ...
The Renovation Wave is the latest addition to a series of European measures designed to incentivise investment in a low-carbon built environment. In terms of residential retrofits, research has focused on how structural measures can reduce costs through energy savings and improve ...
The nature of housing as a service (fulfilling basic needs) and a capital-intensive commodity (houses and the ‘underlying’ land have exchange value) hampers comparative understandings of ‘housing policy’, and its relation to social policy research. On the one hand, housing is a p ...

Beter Woonbeleid

Volgens de OESO

In juni presenteerde de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) het rapport Brick by Brick. Building Better Housing Policies. Betaalbaarheidsproblemen op de woningmarkt zijn immers niet alleen in Nederland in de afgelopen jaren toegenomen. Welk economisch ...
Het is nog maar vier jaar geleden dat Stef Blok aan het einde van zijn termijn als Minister van Wonen verkondigde dat de woningmarkt af was. Deze conclusie mag als voorbarig beschouwd worden. Immers, de huizenprijzen zouden blijven doorstijgen tot de dag van vandaag, zelfs tijden ...
The pathways that Dutch and German housing policies took in the past decades resulted in two different rental markets. The Dutch policies have delivered the largest social rental sector in the Western world, while Germany has produced one of the largest private rental sectors in ...

Effective Public Rental Housing governance

Tenants’ perspective from the pilot city Chongqing, China

In the past decade, Public Rental Housing (PRH) has become the program of providing affordable rental housing to low- and middle-income households in China. Even though descriptions of the governance results are numerous, the previous studies are not underpinned by a theoretical ...