J.S.C.M. Hoekstra
232 records found
Energy coaching and ‘fix team’ retrofitting to mitigate energy poverty
An ex-post analysis of treatment and interaction effects
Rising energy prices across Europe have increased concerns over energy poverty. Despite significant scholarly focus on financial relief measures instituted by national governments, locally tailored crisis measures have remained overlooked. This study delves into the Dutch context
Energy poverty alleviation by social housing providers
A qualitative investigation of targeted interventions in France, England, and the Netherlands
Decisions made by social housing providers (SHPs) profoundly affect their tenants' energy affordability, a group characterised by above-average energy poverty rates. Concentrated deprivation in this tenure has intensified due to policy-driven ‘residualisation’, compelling SHPs to
This chapter shows how different constellations of state, market actors and civil actors lead to different housing policies and outcomes, both over space and time. This process is illustrated by an analysis of the Dutch housing system.@en
Dynamics in the Dutch private rented sector
How will landlords act?
While governments have been promoting private renting in recent decades to increase housing supply, they have not necessarily facilitated this. The Netherlands is a case in point, as rent price control has been reduced in this century with the aim to give more leeway to private r
Van bruin naar rood: het bouwen van woningen op veehouderijlocaties vormt een uitweg uit de stikstofproblematiek die Nederland in de greep houdt. Uiteraard is deze stap complex en gevoelig, maar op bepaalde locaties is het toch heel goed mogelijk. TU Delft-afstudeerder Samuel Oro
Housing policies by young people, not for young people
Experiences from a co-creation project in Amsterdam
For young adults on the Amsterdam housing market the accessibility of housing has been decreasing for years, due to soaring house prices and rents, the shrinkage and residualization of the social rental sector, and the precarization of the labor market. Consequently, many young p
This report addresses energy poverty in social housing, proposing solutions to aid an inclusive energy transition. It highlights the disproportionate impact of rising prices on vulnerable tenants, suggesting short-term measures like energy advice and energy-saving kits, along wit
Beyond headcount statistics
Exploring the utility of energy poverty gap indices in policy design
Recent energy price spikes have led to increased energy poverty among low-income households living in inefficient homes. Accurate statistics on energy poverty help inform resource allocation and better target relief schemes and retrofit funds. Existing indicators are predominantl
Guidebook on co-creation and reflexive policy making
Synthesis of the UPLIFT WP4 Results
This Guidebook is the final deliverable of the work package 4 (WP4) of the UPLIFT project. The overall aim of this work package was to explore how young people’s voices can be put at the centre of youth policy. In order to do this, we carried out four parallel policy co-creation
Energy poverty alleviation by social housing providers
Investigating targeted approaches in France, England, and the Netherlands
Since energy prices across Europe started to rise in 2021, there has been growing concern of social housing tenants at risk of energy poverty. So far, studies have largely focused on the role of governments and on what tenants themselves could do. However, research has rarely con
Energy poverty alleviation in social housing
Prototyping policies with practitioners
The European energy crisis of 2022 stresses the importance of protecting the most vulnerable households. Price peaks disproportionally affect households with low incomes, limited savings, and inefficient homes, and increased energy poverty: the inability to secure sufficient dome
Optimising the involvement of tenants in the decision-making process for energy efficiency renovation
Revealing behavioural barriers of tenants
Energy efficiency renovation (EER) of the existing residential housing stock is crucial to achieving further decarbonization to be climate neutral by 2050. This transition is particularly challenging for affordable rental housing providers as they have to make intensive investmen
The position of young adults on the Amsterdam housing market
How to better connect system world and life world?
In recent years, the housing market of Amsterdam, traditionally known for its large share of social rental dwellings, experienced a trend of commodification and financialization. Due to its central position and good facilities, the Dutch capital has become very popular among both
In this policy brief, we provide relevant guidelines and recommendations for each of these phases, based on our evaluation of the UPLIFT co-creation process
in the four different cities. These guidelines and recommendations are meant to inspire and provide support to governments
Co-creation with young people in Amsterdam
Research approach and Reflexive Policy Agenda
This document aims to outline the process of co-creation of housing policy with young people in the city of Amsterdam. It is directed at researchers and policymakers who wish to gain more knowledge of the objectives, strategies and methods pertaining to the development of a Refle
The current document is the result of the research activities carried out in Work Package 3 (WP3) of the UPLIFT project1 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It aims to understand which micro, meso and macro level factors influence vulnerable young people's decisions in education, empl
Urban report Amsterdam, The Netherlands
This report examines the scales and dimensions of inequality in the functional urban area (FUA) of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Our purpose is to understand how the drivers of socio-economic inequality, and the policies responding to these, operate in this local context. Particula
Urban Report Leuven, Belgium
This report examines the scales and dimensions of inequality in the functional urban area (FUA) of Leuven, in the Flemish region of Belgium. Our purpose is to understand how the drivers of socio-economic inequality, and the policies responding to these, operate in this local cont
Updated Action Plans for the co-creation process
Looking back and looking forward
This deliverable is titled ‘Updated Action Plans for the co-creation process’ and it consists of a common methodological approach, the state of the art of the Local Action Plans of the four WP4 implementation sites, and a reflection on the co-creation process.
This deliverable is
Traditionally, Chinese migrant workers are housed in dormitories or in the private rental sector. In recent years, however, an increasing proportion of the migrant workers has managed to become home owners. This paper further analyzes this trend, which may signify a new phase in