T.M. Croon
10 records found
Energy coaching and ‘fix team’ retrofitting to mitigate energy poverty
An ex-post analysis of treatment and interaction effects
Rising energy prices across Europe have increased concerns over energy poverty. Despite significant scholarly focus on financial relief measures instituted by national governments, locally tailored crisis measures have remained overlooked. This study delves into the Dutch context
Energy poverty alleviation by social housing providers
A qualitative investigation of targeted interventions in France, England, and the Netherlands
Decisions made by social housing providers (SHPs) profoundly affect their tenants' energy affordability, a group characterised by above-average energy poverty rates. Concentrated deprivation in this tenure has intensified due to policy-driven ‘residualisation’, compelling SHPs to
Juggling the basics
How much does an income increase affect energy spending of low-income households in England?
European governments have deployed targeted and untargeted financial support to protect vulnerable households from the impacts of the recent energy crisis. However, there is little knowledge of income elasticity of energy expenditure among households experiencing energy poverty.
Beyond headcount statistics
Exploring the utility of energy poverty gap indices in policy design
Recent energy price spikes have led to increased energy poverty among low-income households living in inefficient homes. Accurate statistics on energy poverty help inform resource allocation and better target relief schemes and retrofit funds. Existing indicators are predominantl
Energy poverty alleviation by social housing providers
Investigating targeted approaches in France, England, and the Netherlands
Since energy prices across Europe started to rise in 2021, there has been growing concern of social housing tenants at risk of energy poverty. So far, studies have largely focused on the role of governments and on what tenants themselves could do. However, research has rarely con
Energy poverty alleviation in social housing
Prototyping policies with practitioners
The European energy crisis of 2022 stresses the importance of protecting the most vulnerable households. Price peaks disproportionally affect households with low incomes, limited savings, and inefficient homes, and increased energy poverty: the inability to secure sufficient dome
Het Centraal Planbureau (CPB) telt hoeveel mensen een inkomen onder de armoedegrens hebben, en raamt vervolgens hoe dit door economie en voorgenomen beleid verandert. Deze armoedecijfers werken echter ondoelmatig beleid in de hand. Het kan beter.@en
This report addresses energy poverty in social housing, proposing solutions to aid an inclusive energy transition. It highlights the disproportionate impact of rising prices on vulnerable tenants, suggesting short-term measures like energy advice and energy-saving kits, along wit
De verduurzaming van onze woningvoorraad is naast een technische operatie ook een verdelingsvraagstuk. Huishoudens met lage inkomens in slechte woningen moeten prioriteit krijgen bij het renovatiebeleid. En totdat iedereen in een duurzaam huis woont, moeten huishoudens die in de
Een ruimtelijk verdelingsvraagstuk
In korte tijd heeft energiearmoede zich ontwikkeld tot een grote beleidsuitdaging in Nederland, maar toch bleek een gerichte aanpak van de energiecrisis onmogelijk. Kunnen een beter begrip en berekening van energiearmoede overheden helpen om beleid te voeren dat niet alleen effic