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P.J. Vardon

173 records found

This paper presents quantitative data from a field test on a new type of energy pile, called a displacement cast in situ energy pile. The test pile was installed in a multilayered soft soils and subjected to a continuous cooling for 3 months, with no mechanical load. Afterwards, ...
Evaluating the temporal stability and risk of unsaturated soil slopes during rainfall is essential for early warning and emergency response to landslides. However, limited research has been conducted on the transition timing of sliding mechanisms, instability/failure time and the ...
Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES) technologies are essential for advancing low-carbon heating and cooling systems, particularly in urban areas where space constraints and retrofitting challenges pose significant barriers. In this study the performance of a system of novel ...

Sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations

Reviewing research, market and societal trends

Research into the impact of innovative sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations is crucial to diversifying, scaling up, and accelerating the sustainable energy transition. Although there is vast research into sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations, research li ...
The effect of the load level on long-term thermally induced pile displacements and the impact of cyclic thermal loads on the bearing capacity of energy piles are investigated via a full-scale in situ test in Delft, The Netherlands. The pile was loaded to a specific target of 0, 3 ...
This study presents a thermo-hydro-mechanical framework to model hydrothermal systems within a simplified faulted synthetic reservoir, replicating current production scenarios in The Netherlands and Germany. The reservoir, composed of porous and permeable sandstone, and the confi ...
At present, over half of all primary energy used in Europe is used for heating and cooling. Therefore, decarbonizing the heating supply is essential to achieve climate targets. Underground thermal energy storage is a key enabling technology for the energy transition to buffer th ...
This paper presents a combined laboratory and numerical investigation on the injection-induced permeability changes in pre-existing fractures. The analyses conducted were primarily based on the results of an innovative laboratory experiment designed to replicate the key mechanism ...
The TU Delft campus geothermal project has joint objectives of research and commercial thermal energy production. It has been developed and will be operated by the Geothermie Delft (GTD) consortium, a commercial cooperation between TU Delft, Aardyn, EBN and Shell Geothermal. This ...

Optimizing Energy Quay Walls

Insights from Comprehensive Thermal Analysis and Turbulent Flow Enhancement

In recent decades, there has been a notable rise in the utilization of the subsurface as a source for heating and cooling through shallow geothermal installations. This trend is exemplified by the emergence of Energy Geostructures (EGs), an innovative technology that not only pro ...

A research and production geothermal project on the TU Delft campus

Initial modeling and establishment of a digital twin

Nearly half of the Netherlands’ natural gas consump tion is allocated to heating, with direct -use geothermal heating being one of the available low-carbon energy solutions. A geothermal well doublet, designed with the two primary aims of research and commercial heat supply, is c ...

Shallow geothermal energy systems for district heating and cooling networks

Review and technological progression through case studies

Heating and Cooling constitute a major part of society's final energy use and a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. The world society ought to mitigate climate change through decarbonisation, which must include the transition to low-temperature, sustainable and r ...
This paper investigates the implementation of a nonlocal regularisation of the material point method to mitigate mesh-dependency issues for the simulation of large deformation problems in brittle soils. The adopted constitutive description corresponds to a simple elastoplastic mo ...
A geothermal doublet has been installed in a sedimentary reservoir for direct-use heating on the TU Delft campus, targeted to supply around 25 MW of thermal energy at peak conditions. This contribution presents the implementation and initial data collection from the doublet, incl ...
Ground source heat pumps (GSHP) coupled to shallow borehole heat exchangers (BHE) represent a low emission technology to provide space heating and cooling. However, ongoing long-term heating or cooling of the ground caused by unbalanced loads leads to a performance decline and in ...
This study presents a fully coupled hydro-mechanical framework for modeling hydraulic shearing in a mesoscale reservoir located at the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. The experiment was conducted on a ductile–brittle fault embedded in low-permeable granite. We observe that normal ...
As the Material Point Method (MPM) uses both a mesh and a point discretisation scheme, the application of boundary conditions is difficult, currently limiting the flexibility of the method. While many boundary condition options have been used in the literature, the accuracy of Ne ...

A Research And Energy Production Geothermal Project On The TU Delft Campus

Project Implementation And Initial Data Collection

A geothermal well doublet, designed with two primary aims; one of research and the second of commercial thermal energy supply, is currently being installed on the campus of Delft University of Technology, with the wells being drilled in the second half of 2023. The project includ ...

Full-scale in-situ tests on a displacement cast in situ energy pile

Effects of cyclic thermal loads under different mechanical load levels on pile stress and strain

Numerous full-scale in situ tests have been conducted to assess the effect of thermal cycles on the pile response. However, those studies investigated the response of only precast and cast in-situ energy piles, with limited focus on the impact of the applied mechanical load on th ...
Drilling wells in unconsolidated formations is commonly undertaken to extract drinking water and other applications, such as aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES). To increase the efficiency of an ATES system, the drilling campaigns are targeting greater depths and enlarging the ...