G.G. Drijkoningen
171 records found
A newly installed research infrastructure for geothermal energy in a subsurface sedimentary reservoir for direct-use heating
The TU Delft campus geothermal project
A geothermal doublet has been installed in a sedimentary reservoir for direct-use heating on the TU Delft campus, targeted to supply around 25 MW of thermal energy at peak conditions. This contribution presents the implementation and initial data collection from the doublet, incl
End-of-Well Science Programme Report DEL-GT-01 and DEL-GT-02
TU Delft campus geothermal project
The TU Delft campus geothermal project has joint objectives of research and commercial thermal energy production. It has been developed and will be operated by the Geothermie Delft (GTD) consortium, a commercial cooperation between TU Delft, Aardyn, EBN and Shell Geothermal. This
We present a development of capacitively coupled EM sensors integrated in non-corrosive casings for permanent CSEM monitoring in boreholes. Capacitive sensors are required to detect low-frequency (diffusive-field) signals where voltage measurements fail and ammeters need to be us
Monitoring temperature changes in geothermal applications is crucial to ensure sustainable heat production and storage operations. This work focuses on a geothermal project situated on the campus of Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. In connection to deep low-enth
A Research And Energy Production Geothermal Project On The TU Delft Campus
Project Implementation And Initial Data Collection
A geothermal well doublet, designed with two primary aims; one of research and the second of commercial thermal energy supply, is currently being installed on the campus of Delft University of Technology, with the wells being drilled in the second half of 2023. The project includ
A research and production geothermal project on the TU Delft campus
Initial modeling and establishment of a digital twin
Nearly half of the Netherlands’ natural gas consump tion is allocated to heating, with direct -use geothermal heating being one of the available low-carbon energy solutions. A geothermal well doublet, designed with the two primary aims of research and commercial heat supply, is c
Distributed acoustic sensing has been limited in its use for surface-seismic reflection measurements due to the fiber’s decreased broadside sensitivity when the fiber is deployed horizontally. Deploying the fiber in a helically wound fashion has the promise of being more sensitiv
A field experiment was conducted in Zuidbroek, the Netherlands to compare the performance of a DAS and horizontal-geophone system for shear-wave (SV) reflection surveying. The data were subjected to processing for reflection imaging, including conversion of the geophone data to s
Tracking temperature changes by measuring the resulting resistivity changes inside low-enthalpy reservoirs is crucial to avoid early thermal breakthroughs and maintain sustainable energy production. The controlled-source electromagnetic method (CSEM) allows for the estimation of
Retrieving accurate microseismic source locations induced by hydraulic-fracturing operations is an important step to gain insights into the hydraulically stimulated reservoir volume. Recently, deep neural networks have been proposed that directly recover source locations from the
Drilling report
Delftse Hout multipurpose research borehole - DAPGEO-02
The multi-purpose research borehole at the Delftse Hout is the third of four seismic monitoring locations of the seismic monitoring network for the geothermal research project on the TU Delft campus (Geothermal Delft GTD, also known as DAPwell, For t
On the Multi-component Information of DAS for Near-Surface Seismic
A Pilot Field Experiment in the Groningen Area
In a surface-seismic setting, Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is still not a widely adopted method for near-surface characterisation, especially for reflection seismic imaging, despite the dense spatial sampling it provides over long distances. This is mainly due to the decrea
Delft geothermal project (DAPwell) is a planned geothermal well doublet, where relatively cold water is going to be injected through one well into a low enthalpy geothermal reservoir to produce hot water from the other well. The volume of the cold water around the injection well
The overall conditions under which geophysical data are being acquired have changed over the past five years due to the global economy combined with an increased emphasis on low environmental impact sustainability and safety. For land seismic acquisition, minimizing land disturba
Hydraulic fracturing plays an important role when it comes to the extraction of resources in unconventional reservoirs. The microseismic activity arising during hydraulic fracturing operations needs to be monitored to both improve productivity and to make decisions about mitigati
Difficulties in detecting and characterising shallow objects close the surface with seismic shear waves are often problematic because of dominant surface waves. By sequencing a specific combination of two data driven processing steps followed by diffraction tomography can overcom
A main challenge in microseismic monitoring is that the seismic signals recorded at the Earth's surface are weak and thus localization of those microseismic earthquakes becomes challenging. Diffraction stacking is a traditional method used to localize weak earthquakes, which invo
Seismic imaging using an e-vib
A case study analyzing the signal properties of a seismic vibrator driven by electric linear synchronous motors (LSM's)
Seismic imaging characteristics of a prototype electrically driven, linear synchronous motor-based, vertical-force seismic vibrator ("e-vib") were evaluated at a site in the Netherlands. The system weighs 1.65 t and excites seismic signals with a peak force of 6.7 kN. Data were r
Uplift of the Transdanubian Range, Pannonian Basin
How fast and why?
The cumulative incision rates of ~50–70 m/Ma integrating over the last ~3 Ma have been derived from published terrace-chronological data of the Danube river in the Western Pannonian Basin. An apparent acceleration of uplift rates was observed for shorter timescales culminating at
Continuous seismic monitoring systems aid us to act on preventing strong earthquakes, such as induced by oil and gas extraction, deep geothermal systems and carbon sequestration. These systems provide the data to detect and locate such events and to determine their source magnitu