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D.F. Bruhn

55 records found

Obtaining information on scientific topics and access to websites with multidimensional data is a crucial part of any geothermal project development. Using the Internet to publish information according to the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusa ...
The Netherlands aims to be CO2 neutral by 2050, aligning with the Paris Agreement. To achieve this, it is crucial to increase the contribution of geothermal energy to renewable energy sources, necessitating large-scale exploitation to speed up the energy transition. Only small-sc ...

A Research And Energy Production Geothermal Project On The TU Delft Campus

Project Implementation And Initial Data Collection

A geothermal well doublet, designed with two primary aims; one of research and the second of commercial thermal energy supply, is currently being installed on the campus of Delft University of Technology, with the wells being drilled in the second half of 2023. The project includ ...
A geothermal doublet has been installed in a sedimentary reservoir for direct-use heating on the TU Delft campus, targeted to supply around 25 MW of thermal energy at peak conditions. This contribution presents the implementation and initial data collection from the doublet, incl ...

A research and production geothermal project on the TU Delft campus

Initial modeling and establishment of a digital twin

Nearly half of the Netherlands’ natural gas consump tion is allocated to heating, with direct -use geothermal heating being one of the available low-carbon energy solutions. A geothermal well doublet, designed with the two primary aims of research and commercial heat supply, is c ...
The energy transition is inevitable since approximately two-thirds of the current global GHG emissions are related to energy production. Subsurface can provide a great opportunity for innovative low-carbon energy solutions such as geothermal energy production, hydrogen storage, c ...
The efficient operation and management of a geothermal project can be largely affected by geological, physical, operational and economic uncertainties. Systematic uncertainty quantification (UQ) involving these parameters helps to determine the probability of the focused outputs, ...
Simulation of CO2 utilization and storage (CCUS) in subsurface reservoirs with complex heterogeneous structures requires a model that captures multiphase compositional flow and transport. Accurate simulation of these processes necessitates the use of stable numerical m ...
The primary goal of this study is to build new and integrated conceptual models for a high temperature field in Indonesia. Providing new data, combining models, visualizing them in 3D is significant to refine previous 2D traditional models, which are limited for reservoir charact ...
Mesozoic sandstone aquifers in the North German Basin offer significant potential to provide green and sustainable geothermal heat as well as large‐scale storage of heat or chill. The determination of geothermal and subsurface heat storage potentials is still afflicted with obsta ...
Large-scale energy storage plants based on power-to-gas-to-power (PtG–GtP) technologies incorporating high temperature electrolysis, catalytic methanation for the provision of synthetic natural gas (SNG) and novel, highly efficient SNG-fired Allam reconversion cycles allow for a ...
The number of geothermal operations worldwide has been actively growing over the last decades. To increase their efficiency, prevent reservoir depletion and avoid environmental issues, produced water is commonly reinjected. Despite these benefits of fluid reinjection, various clo ...
The European Plate Observing System - Netherlands (EPOS-NL) is the Dutch research infrastructure for solid Earth sciences. EPOS-NL is a cluster of large-scale geophysical facilities for research on georesources and geohazards. It is a partnership between Delft University of Techn ...
Direct Use Geothermal Systems (DUGS) are increasing their installed capacity worldwide and denser developments with multiple doublets are becoming more common. Interference between doublets therefore becomes an additional concern to subsurface uncertainties. Faults can be either ...
The hydraulic performance and mechanical stability of open fractures are crucial for several subsurface applications including fractured geothermal reservoirs or nuclear waste repositories. Their hydraulic and mechanical properties (fluid flow and fracture stiffness) are both str ...
Multiphase mass and heat transfer are ubiquitous in the subsurface within manifold applications. The presence of fractures over several scales and complex geometry magnifies the uncertainty of the heat transfer phenomena, which will significantly impact, or even dominate, the dyn ...
A realistic deep low-enthalpy geothermal reservoir based on real data with high detail and complicated sedimentary structure is utilized to perform sensitivity analyses of the geological features influencing reservoir properties. We perform simulations using the Delft Advanced Re ...
Direct Use Geothermal Systems (DUGS) are increasing their installed capacity worldwide and denser developments with multiple doublets are becoming more common. Interference between doublets therefore becomes an additional concern to subsurface uncertainties. Faults can be either ...
Designing low-cost network layouts is an essential step in planning linked infrastructure. For the case of capacitated trees, such as oil or gas pipeline networks, the cost is usually a function of both pipeline diameter (i.e. ability to carry flow or transferred capacity) and pi ...
Using an innovative experimental set-up (Punch-Through Shear test), we initiated a shear zone (microfault) in Flechtingen sandstone and Odenwald granite under in situ reservoir conditions while monitoring permeability and fracture dilation evolution. The shear zone, which has a c ...