H. Maghami Nick

50 records found

Optimisation of doublet well spacing in low-enthalpy geothermal systems is addressed by defining a novel objective function that is based on the Coefficient of Performance (CoP) and energy sweep efficiency. The definition of objective function that separates performance-based cri ...
This paper presents a mixed finite element framework for coupled hydro-mechanical–chemical processes in heterogeneous porous media. The framework combines two types of locally conservative discretization schemes: (1) an enriched Galerkin method for reactive flow, and (2) a three- ...
Direct Use Geothermal Systems (DUGS) are increasing their installed capacity worldwide and denser developments with multiple doublets are becoming more common. Interference between doublets therefore becomes an additional concern to subsurface uncertainties. Faults can be either ...
Direct Use Geothermal Systems (DUGS) are increasing their installed capacity worldwide and denser developments with multiple doublets are becoming more common. Interference between doublets therefore becomes an additional concern to subsurface uncertainties. Faults can be either ...
Evaluations and interpretations of reservoir productivity are frequent in geothermal, groundwater and hydrocarbon research and applications. In this study, we consider the closure of fractures around production wells due to compaction that can affect the productivity value, i.e. ...
Interest in direct use geothermal systems is increasing due to their ability to supply renewable, environmentally friendly heat. Such systems are mostly developed in conduction dominated geological settings where faults are often encountered. Interdependencies between physical, d ...
As the code was actively developed during the time of publication, the published data suffer from an error with regards to the discount factor applied during the NPV calculation. The published data NPV has been calculated for periods of 100 days, while the discount rate applied w ...
This paper presents the enriched Galerkin discretization for modeling fluid flow in fractured porous media using the mixed-dimensional approach. The proposed method has been tested against published benchmarks. Since fracture and porous media discontinuities can significantly inf ...

Towards optimisation of geothermal heat recovery

An example from the West Netherlands Basin

The Netherlands experienced the fastest European expansion of geothermal energy exploitation in the past decade. The first Dutch geothermal sites proved that Hot Sedimentary Aquifers exploitation can play an important role in a future low-carbon energy mix. In this study, we esti ...

Performance of low-enthalpy geothermal systems

Interplay of spatially correlated heterogeneity and well-doublet spacings

The low-enthalpy geothermal systems are commonly deployed in sedimentary geological settings that feature significant levels of deposition-induced heterogeneity. In this paper, realistic levels of heterogeneity in the form of varying porosity variance and spatial correlation leng ...
In this paper, we assess and model new strategies for integration of geothermal energy with gas production in the Oude Leede Gas Field in the Netherlands. We investigate the injection of cooled geothermal water into a gas field located just few kilometers away from the geothermal ...
Geothermal projects, as renewable energy projects, are not economically attractive in most places of the world at the current state of development; for this reason, subsidies are required by energy and environmental authorities in order to increase the interest in such projects. ...

Heat recovery from multiple-fracture enhanced geothermal systems

The effect of thermoelastic fracture interactions

This study investigates the effect of thermoelastic interactions between multiple parallel fractures on energy production from a multiple-fracture enhanced geothermal system. A coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical finite element model has been developed that accounts for non-isotherma ...
A new solution for harvesting energy simultaneously from two different sources of energy by combining geothermal energy production and thermal enhanced heavy oil recovery is introduced. Numerical simulations are employed to evaluate the feasibility of generating energy from geoth ...
Thermoporoelastic effects during heat extraction from low permeability geothermal reservoirs are investigated numerically, based on the model of a horizontal penny-shaped fracture intersected by an injection well and a production well. A coupled formulation for thermo-hydraulic ( ...
A fully coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical (THM) finite element model is presented for fractured geothermal reservoirs. Fractures are modelled as surface discontinuities within a three-dimensional matrix. Non-isothermal flow through the rock matrix and fractures are defined and ...

Fracture aperture in flow models

To average, or not to average?

Fracture networks are heterogeneous systems creating anisotropic flow patterns, though field-scale flow models of fractured reservoirs use up-scaling of the fracture network to effective properties to model flow. We study the impact of upscaling aperture from a realistic aperture ...
Oil production optimization of petroleum reservoirs under uncertainty give rise to large-scale optimization problems. Ensemble-based methods for production optimization are used in combination with gradient-based optimization algorithms. Use of commercial-grade simulators able to ...
This paper evaluates the impact of reduction of doublet well spacing, below the current West Netherlands Basin standard of 1000 to 1500 m, on the Net Present Value (NPV) and the life time of fluvial Hot Sedimentary Aquifer (HSA) doublets. First, a sensitivity analysis is used to ...