N. Khoshnevis Gargar

18 records found

Hydrocarbon fuels are widely recognized as significant contributors to climate change and the rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. As a result, it is crucial to reduce the net carbon intensity of energy derived from these fuels. This study explores the feasibility of using dim ...
Producing geothermal heat from production water causes cooldown from the reservoir temperature up to 250C at fluid pressures from over 100 bar to 10 bar.During the process degassification of CO2 and methane cause reduction in pH and by that dissolution and precipitation of minera ...
1D water oil displacement in porous media is usually described by the Buckley-Leverett equation or the Rapoport-Leas equation when capillary diffusion is included. The rectilinear geometry is not representative for near well oil displacement problems. It is therefore of interest ...
In this paper, we assess and model new strategies for integration of geothermal energy with gas production in the Oude Leede Gas Field in the Netherlands. We investigate the injection of cooled geothermal water into a gas field located just few kilometers away from the geothermal ...
This paper develops the theory of liquid-gas filtration combustion, when an oxidizer (air) is injected into porous rock containing two-component liquid fuel. We found a qualitatively new combustion mechanism controlled by the successive vaporization and condensation of the liquid ...