R. Farajzadeh

133 records found

The gas displacement in porous media is a crucial process with extensive industrial and environmental applications. A notable example is underground hydrogen storage, where it is important to understand hydrogen mixing with cushion gas. The current paper explores anomalies in dis ...
Hydrocarbon fuels are widely recognized as significant contributors to climate change and the rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. As a result, it is crucial to reduce the net carbon intensity of energy derived from these fuels. This study explores the feasibility of using dim ...
The reduction of temperature caused by Joule-Thomson effect during injection of CO2 in low pressure reservoirs combined with presence of water can lead to formation of hydrates, which in turn reduces rock permeability and hence CO2 injectivity. This paper introduces an empirical ...
Injection of high-pressure CO2 into depleted gas reservoirs can lead to low temperatures promoting formation of hydrate in the near wellbore area resulting in reduced injection rates. The design of effective mitigation methods requires an understanding of the impact of crucial pa ...
Foam is a promising means to assist in the permanent, safe subsurface sequestration of CO2, whether in aquifers or as part of an enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) process. Here we review the advantages demonstrated for foam that would assist CO2 sequestration, in ...
Carbon dioxide capture and storage in subsurface geological formations is a potential solution to limit anthropogenic CO2 emissions and combat global warming. Depleted gas fields offer significant CO2 storage volumes; however, injection of CO2 int ...
The study aims to quantitatively assess the risk of hydrate formation within the porous formation and its consequences on injectivity during storage of CO2 in depleted gas reservoirs considering low temperatures caused by the Joule-Thomson (JT) effect and hydrate kinet ...
The study aims to quantitatively assess the risk of hydrate formation within the porous formation and its consequences to injectivity during storage of CO2 in depleted gas reservoirs considering low temperatures caused by the Joule Thomson (JT) effect and hydrate kinet ...
Hydrogen plays a crucial role in the transition to low-carbon energy systems, especially when integrated into energy storage applications. In this study, the concept of exergy-return on exergy-investment (ERoEI) is applied to investigate the exergetic efficiency (defined as the r ...

CO2 Storage in Subsurface Formations

Impact of Formation Damage

The success of CO2 storage projects largely depends on addressing formation damage, such as salt precipitation, hydrate formation, and fines migration. While analytical models for reservoir behaviour during CO2 storage in aquifers and depleted gas fields are widely available, mod ...
Depleted gas reservoirs are viable choices for large-scale CO2 storage and to displace remaining methane volumes to further increase the storage capacity (EGR). However, deployment of such projects depends on an informed knowledge of the magnitude of mixing of the misc ...
This paper discusses axi-symmetric flow during CO2 injection into a non-adiabatic reservoir accounting for Joule-Thomson cooling and steady-state heat exchange between the reservoir and the adjacent layers by Newton's law. An exact solution for this 1D problem is deriv ...
CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers is an effective strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emission. However, salt precipitation triggered by evaporation of water into injected dry CO2 causes injectivity reduction. Predicting the distribution of precipitated salts and their impact ...
Foam is utilized in enhanced oil recovery and CO2 sequestration. Surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) is a preferred approach for placing foam into reservoirs, due to it enhances gas injection and minimizes corrosion in facilities. Our previous studies with similar permeab ...
Depleted gas reservoirs are attractive sites for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) due to their huge storage capacities, proven seal integrity, existing infrastructure and subsurface data availability. However, CO2 injection into depleted formations can potentially lead ...
Understanding the kinetics of CO2 hydrate formation and the resulting saturation of the hydrate in porous rocks is crucial for processes such as the storage of CO2 in underground formations. Nevertheless, to date, there is no established procedure that utilizes a medical CT scann ...
Hypothesis: Underground hydrogen storage in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers has been proposed as a potential long-term solution to storing intermittently produced renewable electricity, as the subsurface formations provide secure and large storage space. Various phen ...

CO2Foam Behavior in Carbonate Rock

Effect of Surfactant Type and Concentration

An understanding of how CO2 foam flows through a reservoir rock is useful for many subsurface applications, including enhanced oil recovery and CO2 storage. There are economic and environmental benefits in identifying surfactants that exhibit good foaming behavior with CO2 at bot ...
This paper introduces new oil recovery mechanisms for oil recovery by polymer injection in heavy oil reservoirs with strong bottom aquifers. Due to unfavorable mobility ratio between aquifer water and oil and the development of the sharp cones significant amount of oil remains un ...
Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS) is an attractive technology for large-scale (TWh) renewable energy storage. To ensure the safety and efficiency of the UHS, it is crucial to quantify the H2 interactions with the reservoir fluids and rocks across scales, including the ...