S.A. Jones

13 records found

Understanding the kinetics of CO2 hydrate formation and the resulting saturation of the hydrate in porous rocks is crucial for processes such as the storage of CO2 in underground formations. Nevertheless, to date, there is no established procedure that utilizes a medical CT scann ...
The efficiency of oil processes depends on the product of volumetric sweep and microscopic sweep. In oil recovery by steam injection the microscopic sweep is generally good; however, obtaining a good volumetric sweep can be challenging. This is caused by low density and viscosity ...

CO2Foam Behavior in Carbonate Rock

Effect of Surfactant Type and Concentration

An understanding of how CO2 foam flows through a reservoir rock is useful for many subsurface applications, including enhanced oil recovery and CO2 storage. There are economic and environmental benefits in identifying surfactants that exhibit good foaming behavior with CO2 at bot ...
The efficiency of the dimethyl ether (DME) enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technique in a fractured chalk reservoir core plug was investigated. The coreflood experiment showed that DME EOR could lead to 44.2% additional oil recovery, amounting to 80.6% of the ultimate oil recovery. A ...

Foam flow in a model porous medium

II. the effect of trapped gas

Gas trapping is an important mechanism in both Water or Surfactant Alternating Gas (WAG/SAG) and foam injection processes in porous media. Foams for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) can increase sweep efficiency as they decrease the gas relative permeability, and this is mainly due to ...

Foam flow in a model porous medium

I. the effect of foam coarsening

Foam structure evolves with time due to gas diffusion between bubbles (coarsening). In a bulk foam, coarsening behaviour is well defined, but there is less understanding of coarsening in confined geometries such as porous media. Previous predictions suggest that coarsening will c ...
Gas injection was introduced to the petroleum industry in the early 1950s. Nevertheless, the process efficiency is impacted by the low density and viscosity of the gas, which decrease sweep efficiency. Foam for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) can overcome the downside of the viscous ...
Foams for enhanced oil recovery can increase sweep efficiency, as they decrease the gas relative permeability, mainly due to gas trapping. However, gas trapping mechanisms are poorly understood. Some studies have been performed during corefloods, but little work has been carried ...

Surfactant effect on foam

From core flood experiments to implicit-texture foam-model parameters

Aqueous foams play an important role in many industrial processes, from ore separation by froth flotation to enhanced oil recovery (EOR), where the foam is used as a means of increasing sweep efficiency through oil-bearing rock. The complex, structure-dependent, flow behavior of ...

Effect of Surfactant Concentration on Foam

From Coreflood Experiments to Implicit-Texture Foam-Model Parameters

We present a comparative study of foam coreflood experiments with various surfactant concentrations. Plots of apparent viscosity vs. injected gas fraction were obtained for surfactant concentrations at the critical micelle concentration and above. Bulk foam stability was measured ...

Surfactant Screening for Foam EOR

Correlation between Bulk and Core-Flood Experiments

tAqueous foams play an important role in many industrial processes, from ore separation by froth flotationto enhanced oil recovery (EOR). In the latter case, the foam is used as a means of increasing the sweepefficiency through the oil bearing rock – the complex, structure depend ...