L. Yan
5 records found
Impact of CO2 hydrates on injectivity during CO2 storage in depleted gas fields
A literature review
Carbon dioxide capture and storage in subsurface geological formations is a potential solution to limit anthropogenic CO2 emissions and combat global warming. Depleted gas fields offer significant CO2 storage volumes; however, injection of CO2 int
CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers is an effective strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emission. However, salt precipitation triggered by evaporation of water into injected dry CO2 causes injectivity reduction. Predicting the distribution of precipitated salts and their impact
With the intensification of global climate change and the growing demand for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), dual-carbon policies are on the rise globally, bringing new challenges and opportunities to the energy industry. Focusing on the photovoltaic (PV) industry, this
Direct Evidence of Salinity Difference Effect on Water Transport in Oil
Pore-Scale Mechanisms
Low salinity water flooding is a common technique for enhancing oil recovery; however, the mechanism behind the low-salinity effect, positive or negative, is still not fully understood. In the proposed mechanisms, osmosis and emulsification are considered as two potential reasons
Understanding the kinetics of CO2 hydrate formation and the resulting saturation of the hydrate in porous rocks is crucial for processes such as the storage of CO2 in underground formations. Nevertheless, to date, there is no established procedure that utilizes a medical CT scann