W.R. Rossen
182 records found
Long-distance propagation of foam is one key to deep gas mobility control for enhanced oil recovery and CO2 sequestration. It depends on two processes—convection of bubbles and foam generation at the displacement front. Prior studies with N2 foam show the existence of a critical
In stratified porous media, non-uniform velocity between layers combined with thermal conduction across layers causes spreading of the thermal front: thermal Taylor dispersion. Conventional upscaling not accounting for this heterogeneity within simulation grid blocks underestimat
Liquid injectivity in a SAG foam process
Effect of permeability
Foam is utilized in enhanced oil recovery and CO2 sequestration. Surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) is a preferred approach for placing foam into reservoirs, due to it enhances gas injection and minimizes corrosion in facilities. Our previous studies with similar permeab
Foam is a promising means to assist in the permanent, safe subsurface sequestration of CO2, whether in aquifers or as part of an enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) process. Here we review the advantages demonstrated for foam that would assist CO2 sequestration, in
Interface Shapes in Microfluidic Porous Media
Conditions Allowing Steady, Simultaneous Two-Phase Flow
Microfluidic devices offer unique opportunities to directly observe multiphase flow in porous media. However, as a representation of flow in geological pore networks, conventional microfluidics face several challenges. One is whether steady simultaneous two-phase flow through a t
Aqueous foam is a dispersion of gas in liquid, where the liquid acts as the continuous phase and the gas is separated by thin liquid films stabilized by a surfactant. Foam injection is a widely used technique in various applications, including CO2 sequestration, enhanced oil reco
The main objective of this study is to understand the vertical sweep efficiency with miscible CO2-water-coinjection as a secondary recovery method, from multiple perspectives: phase behavior, total relative mobility, fluid densities/viscosities, the driving forces and consequent
Foam is a promising means to assist in the permanent, safe subsurface sequestration of CO2, whether inaquifers or as part of an enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) process. Here we review the advantages demonstratedfor foam that would assist CO2 sequestration, in particular sweep efficie
Foam is applied in enhanced oil recovery to improve the sweep of injected gas and increase oil recovery, by greatly reducing the mobility of gas. In the laboratory, X-ray computed tomography is commonly used to evaluate the performance of foam in core plugs. However, foam propert
Foam injection is a promising means of reducing the relative mobility of gas, and hence improving the sweep efficiency of gas, in CO2 and H2 storage, soil-contaminant removal in aquifer remediation, enhanced oil recovery, and matrix-acid well stimulation. Th
Foam-Oil Displacements in Porous Media
Insights from Three-Phase Fractional-Flow Theory
Foam is remarkably effective in the mobility control of gas injection for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes and CO2 sequestration. Our goal is to better understand immiscible three-phase foam displacement with oil in porous media. In particular, we investigate (i)
In this study, to investigate how gravity affects foam in open vertical fractures, we report foam experiments in three 1-m-long, 15-cm-wide glass-model fractures. Each fracture has a smooth wall and a roughened wall. Between the two walls is a slit-like channel representing a sin
By trapping gas, foam can improve the sweep efficiency in enhanced oil recovery. In this study, to understand gas trapping in fractures, we have conducted experiments in a model fracture with a hydraulic aperture of 80 μm. One wall of the fracture is rough, and the other wall is
Foam injection is a promising enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) technology that significantly improves the sweep efficiency of gas injection. Simulation of foam/oil displacement in reservoirs is an expensive process for conventional simulation because of the strongly nonlinear physics,
In enhanced oil recovery, foam can effectively mitigate conformance problems and maintain a stable displacement front, by trapping gas and reducing its relative permeability in situ. In this study, to understand gas trapping in fractures and how it affects foam behavior, we repor
CO2-foam injection is a promising technology for reducing gas mobility and increasing trapping within the swept region in deep brine aquifers. In this work, a consistent thermodynamic model based on a combination of the Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR EOS) for gas
Foam coarsening by diffusion (Ostwald ripening) has been well studied in bulk foams. However, it is less well understood in porous media. In particular, the mechanisms that may slow or stop coarsening have not been fully investigated. In this paper, we report an experimental stud
Foam injection is one efficient way to mitigate gravity segregation during CO2 injection into porous media. The effect of gravity segregation on foam propagation in heterogeneous porous media is not yet fully resolved. To assess CO2 foam transport for enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
Effect of superficial velocity on liquid injectivity in SAG foam EOR. Part 1
Experimental study
Surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) is a preferred method of foam injection, which is a promising means of enhanced oil recovery. Liquid injectivity in a SAG process is commonly problematic. Our previous studies suggest that the liquid injectivity can be better than expected due to
In this study, to investigate how gravity affects foam in fractures, we carry out seven sets of foam-scan experiments on three glass model fractures (model A, model B and model C) with a hydraulic aperture of 78, 98 and 128 microns respectively. We compare the behaviour of foam i