An upscaling model for simulation of geothermal processes in stratified formations
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In stratified porous media, non-uniform velocity between layers combined with thermal conduction across layers causes spreading of the thermal front: thermal Taylor dispersion. Conventional upscaling not accounting for this heterogeneity within simulation grid blocks underestimates thermal dispersion, leading to overestimation of thermal breakthrough time. We derive a model for effective longitudinal thermal diffusivity in the direction of flow, αeff, to represent the effective thermal dispersion in two-layer media. αeff, accounting for thermal Taylor dispersion, is much greater than the thermal diffusivity of the rock itself. We define a dimensionless number, NTC, a ratio of times for longitudinal convection to transverse conduction, as an indicator of transverse thermal equilibration of the system during cold- or hot-water injection. For NTC > 5, thermal dispersion in the two-layer system closely approximates a single layer with αeff. This suggests a two-layer medium satisfying NTC > 5 can be combined into a single layer with an effective longitudinal thermal diffusivity αeff. In application to a geothermal reservoir, one can apply the model to perform upscaling in stages, i.e. combining two layers satisfying the NTC criterion in each stage. The αeff model accounting for the fine-scale heterogeneity within simulation grid blocks would enhance the prediction accuracy of thermal breakthrough time and thus thermal lifetime.