17 records found

Foam is utilized in enhanced oil recovery and CO2 sequestration. Surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) is a preferred approach for placing foam into reservoirs, due to it enhances gas injection and minimizes corrosion in facilities. Our previous studies with similar permeab ...
Aqueous foam is a dispersion of gas in liquid, where the liquid acts as the continuous phase and the gas is separated by thin liquid films stabilized by a surfactant. Foam injection is a widely used technique in various applications, including CO2 sequestration, enhanced oil reco ...
Large volumes of carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from carbon emission source can be stored in deep saline aquifers as a mean of mitigating climate change. The deep saline aquifers are naturally heterogeneous at multiple scales. It is important to generate representative ...
Surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) is a preferred method of foam injection, which is a promising means of enhanced oil recovery. Liquid injectivity in a SAG process is commonly problematic. Our previous studies suggest that the liquid injectivity can be better than expected due to ...
A surfactant alternating gas (SAG) process is often the injection method for foam, on the basis of its improved injectivity over direct foam injection. In a previous study, we reported coreflood experiments on liquid injectivity after foam flooding and liquid injectivity after in ...
Surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) is a favored method of foam injection, which has been proved as an efficient way for enhancing oil recovery. However, foam flow is extremely complicated, and there are still unsolved problems for foam application. One is liquid injectivity. Our pr ...
Surfactant alternating gas (SAG) is often the injection strategy used for injecting foam into a reservoir. However, liquid injectivity can be very poor in SAG, and fracturing of the well can occur. Coreflood studies of liquid injectivity directly following foam injection have bee ...
Surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) is often the injection method for foam enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in order to improve injectivity. However, liquid injectivity can be very poor once foam is created in the near-wellbore region. In a previous study, we reported core-flood experime ...
Surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) is a favored method of foam injection, in part because of excellent gas injectivity. However, liquid injectivity is usually very poor in SAG. We report a core-flood study of liquid injectivity under conditions like those near an injection well in ...
If the aperture distribution is broad enough in a naturally fractured reservoir, even one where the fracture network is highly inter-connected, most fractures can be eliminated without significantly affecting the flow through the fracture network. During a waterflood or enhanced- ...

Modeling flow in naturally fractured reservoirs

Effect of fracture aperture distribution on dominant sub-network for flow

Fracture network connectivity and aperture (or conductivity) distribution are two crucial features controlling flow behavior of naturally fractured reservoirs. The effect of connectivity on flow properties is well documented. In this paper, however, we focus here on the influence ...
A large number of oil and gas reservoirs across the world are naturally fractured, f r om which a significant amount of hydrocarbons are produced. Naturally fractured reservoirs, like all reservoirs, are exploited in t w o stages: primary recovery and secondary recovery (somet ...
If the aperture distribution is broad enough in a naturally fractured reservoir, even one where the fracture network is highly inter-connected, most fractures can be eliminated without significantly affecting the flow through the fracture network (Gong and Rossen, 2016). During a ...

Shape factor for dual-permeability fractured reservoir simulation

Effect of non-uniform flow in 2D fracture network

The flow properties of naturally fractured reservoirs are dominated by flow through the fractures. In a previous study we showed that even a well-connected fracture network behaves like a much sparser network when the aperture distribution is broad enough: i.e., most fractures ca ...