Jeroen Groenenboom

5 records found

In this study, we present a history matching framework for oil production forecast based on synthetic and real production data developed using the stochastic Discrete Well Affinity (DiWA) model. With the increase in the complexity of the geological model and the uncertainty in th ...
A surfactant alternating gas (SAG) process is often the injection method for foam, on the basis of its improved injectivity over direct foam injection. In a previous study, we reported coreflood experiments on liquid injectivity after foam flooding and liquid injectivity after in ...
Surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) is often the injection method for foam enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in order to improve injectivity. However, liquid injectivity can be very poor once foam is created in the near-wellbore region. In a previous study, we reported core-flood experime ...
Surfactant alternating gas (SAG) is often the injection strategy used for injecting foam into a reservoir. However, liquid injectivity can be very poor in SAG, and fracturing of the well can occur. Coreflood studies of liquid injectivity directly following foam injection have bee ...
Surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) is a favored method of foam injection, in part because of excellent gas injectivity. However, liquid injectivity is usually very poor in SAG. We report a core-flood study of liquid injectivity under conditions like those near an injection well in ...