B.J. Meulenbroek
22 records found
We critically review the derivation of closed-form analytical expressions for elastic displacements, strains, and stresses inside a subsurface reservoir undergoing pore pressure changes using inclusion theory. Although developed decades ago, inclusion theory has been used recentl
We present expressions to compute the inverse of a Cauchy-type singular integral equation representing the relation between a double-peaked Coulomb stress in a fault or fracture and the resulting slip gradient in two distinct collinear slip patches. In particular we consider a si
This note provides the derivation of closed-form expressions for elastic displacements, strains, and stresses inside an inclusion. Jansen et al. (2019) and Wu et al. (2021) obtained correct expressions for the stresses inside an inclusion, but their derivation of these expression
Producing geothermal heat from production water causes cooldown from the reservoir temperature up to 250C at fluid pressures from over 100 bar to 10 bar.During the process degassification of CO2 and methane cause reduction in pH and by that dissolution and precipitation of minera
We address aseismic fault slip and the onset of seismicity resulting from depletion-induced or injection-induced stresses in reservoirs with pre-existing vertical or inclined faults. Building on classic results, we discuss semi-analytical modelling techniques for fault slip inclu
Water injection in the aquifer induces deformations in the soil. These mechanical deformations give rise to a change in porosity and permeability, which results in non-linearity of the mathematical problem. Assuming that the deformations are very small, the model provided by Biot
Recently, there is an increased interest in reactive flow in porous media, in groundwater, agricultural and fuel recovery applications. Reactive flow modeling involves vastly different reaction rates, i.e., differing by many orders of magnitude. Solving the ensuing model equation
1D water oil displacement in porous media is usually described by the Buckley-Leverett equation or the Rapoport-Leas equation when capillary diffusion is included. The rectilinear geometry is not representative for near well oil displacement problems. It is therefore of interest
Compressing a porous material or injecting fluid into a porous material can induce changes in the pore space, leading to a change in porosity and permeability. In a continuum scale PDE model, such as Biot’s theory of linear poroelasticity, the Kozeny–Carman equation is commonly u
Successful microbial enhanced oil recovery depends on several factors like reservoir characteristics and microbial activity. In this work, a pore network is used to study the hydrodynamic evolution over time as a result of the development of a biofilm in the pores. A new microsco
In this work, we model the biofilm growth at the microscale using a rectangular pore network model in 2D and a cubic network in 3D. For the 2D network, we study the effects of bioclogging on porosity and permeability when we change parameters like the number of nodes in the netwo
After the primary extraction in oil reservoirs up to 60 % of the oil remains trapped in the reservoir (Sen, 2008). Therefore, different mechanisms have been developed to get the oil out to the reservoir. One of these techniques is Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) which is a