
M.E.D. van den Bogaard

61 records found

The power of perspective dialogue

Unlocking transformative reflection in engineering education

Engineers need to be socially responsible, ethically aware and deliver positive contributions to the wicked problems2 of today's global challenges. In navigating these challenges, being able to reflect is a necessary prerequisite. But if we simply ask students reflecti ...
The Charles Sturt University (CSU) Engineering programme is a new course (degree programmme) established in 2016 by a university that had not previously taught engineering. This start from scratch occasion was taken as an opportunity to build an all-new programme structure and ph ...

Feedback perceptions

Preliminary analysis of semistructured group interviews with first-year bachelor students of Computer Science

This full paper reports on research into feedback perceptions. In recent years enrolment in Engineering Education went up and the number of international students increased, leading to larger classes and greater variety in prior education within the classroom. Literature review r ...
A reflection on receiving the Glenn Earthman Outstanding Dissertation Award and the contribution of ISEP as a professional organsation.@en
Contribution: This study reports on a reliable and valid instrument that measures engineering students' perceptions of their competency levels. A better understanding of students' needs in engineering curricula will support the development of engineering students' transversal com ...

Values and beliefs on trainee selection

What counts in the eye of the selector? A qualitative study exploring the program director’s perspective

Objectives: Postgraduate trainee selection is a high-stakes process. While many studies focused on selection methods and psychometrics, little is known about the influence of selectors’ personal values and beliefs in the judgment and decision-making process. A better understandin ...
Occupant satisfaction with IEQ (indoor environmental quality) is influenced by many physical and psychological factors. This paper reports the results of a study that investigate influential office design factors on occupant satisfaction relating environmental dimensions such as ...
In engineering education students are increasingly challenged to solve complex socio-technological problems. However, there are many uncertainties in solving those 'ill-defined wicked problems'. For students, dealing with uncertainty is not easy to master. In the minor and master ...
Motivation: Research shows that 15-20% of the population suffers from conditions that are classed as neurodiverse, which include ADHD, Autism, Depression, and Dyslexia. Evidence also shows that in engineering degrees neurodiverse students are overrepresented.
Neurodiverse pe ...
Charles Sturt University makes its underpinning technical curriculum available to its students using an on-demand online system they call their Topic Tree. The tree is a directed acyclic graph where nodes represent topics to be learned, and edges represent the prerequisite relati ...
In today’s rapidly changing society, there is a growing demand for learning for innovation in organisations and engineering education. The increased global competition requires organisations and individuals to be qualified to quickly respond to changes in the market. Organisation ...
In this study, the final part of an overarching project on curriculum design and implementation executed at Delft University of Technology is presented. The last step in this research is to establish how the students perceive their new curricula. To that end a survey was develope ...
Learning Analytics is a form of educational datamining that is used on the level of the classroom and the student. This information can be used to predict behaviour and address that, or it can be used for teachers and students to reflect on their learning processes and behaviour. ...