17 records found

Local authorities (LAs) play an essential role in diffusing home energy renovation measures. However, there are rare business models developed for local authority actions. This paper aims to develop a critical review of the way that local authorities developed business models for ...
In the current context of energy transition, practices for reducing energy consumption are encouraged by many local authority schemes, in particular for households. Homeowners are called upon to change their energy practices to save money, while ensuring better comfort in the hom ...

Modular Web Portal Approach for Stimulating Home Renovation

Lessons from Local Authority Developments

Web portals have the potential to promote sustainable environmental ideas due to the capacity of digital media, such as easy accessibility, openness, and networking. Local authorities (LAs) are responsible for activating carbon savings in homes, and they are key actors when it co ...

Pop-up consultancy centres as an instrumental policy means. Evaluation report

Triple-A: Stimulating the Adoption of low-carbon technologies by homeowners through increased Awareness and easy Access, Deliverable 3.4.1

Local authorities engaged in the Interreg 2 Seas project Triple-A aim to achieve an acceleration of the market in the owner-occupied single-family home renovation sector by increasing awareness of – and enabling access to – energy-saving technologies. This report describes local ...
Local authorities (LAs) play an essential role in diffusing home energy renovation measures. However, there are rare business models developed for local authority actions. This paper aims to develop a critical review of the way that local authorities developed business models for ...

Increasing awareness and adoption of low-carbon technologies through demonstration homes

Testing installation of technologies through demonstration exemplars

The Triple-A project aimed to install demonstration exemplars of a variety of low-carbon technologies to increase awareness and adoption of these (building/construction) technologies by homeowners. Through this, the adoption of low-carbon technologies became normalised and create ...

User-centred design thinking

Application of UCDT theories to workplace management

Users’ experience and their opinions are getting important in the design process. This chapter focuses on user-centred design thinking in workplace design and management. The concept of user-centred design is originally developed in fields other than architecture, such as ergonom ...
Through the Interreg2Seas Triple-A project, seven Local Authorities (LAs) identified and developed a set of modules for strengthening LA web portals for increasing awareness and easy access for housing retrofit, to encourage homeowners across four European Countries (Belgium, Fra ...

Energy-Efficient Office Renovation

Developing design principles based on user-focused evaluation

The topic of this research is developed based on my motivation towards architecture design and society. My question in the built environment is are people happy to stay in a good energy-labelled building. If we consider the users in the renovation design phase, how can the design ...
Purpose: This paper highlights the importance of user satisfaction in office renovation. A user-focussed renovation approach can enhance user satisfaction in offices and their functional quality while meeting energy performance goals. The purpose of this paper is to investigate u ...
Personal control is one of the influential factors for user satisfaction and environmental comfort due to its physical and psychological impacts. This paper aims to identify the relationship between the degree of personal control over indoor environmental conditions and user sati ...
Occupant satisfaction with IEQ (indoor environmental quality) is influenced by many physical and psychological factors. This paper reports the results of a study that investigate influential office design factors on occupant satisfaction relating environmental dimensions such as ...
A comfortable indoor environment is one of the primary conditions of buildings. A majority of studies have attempted to compare occupant satisfaction of green-certificated offices and conventional offices. However, comparison of occupant perception with the adaptive comfort model ...

Office employee satisfaction

The influence of design factors on psychological user satisfaction

Purpose: Employees’ satisfaction and productivity is one of the main interests of employers. Psychological comfort can cause dissatisfaction with their work. Thus, it is important to understand what factors contribute to employees’ satisfaction in workplaces. The purpose of this ...
The building sector accounts for more than one-third of the total primary energy use and has significant potential for energy saving [1]. However, various physical and social factors affect the energy performance of dynamic systems, such as the indoor climate condition, the build ...
Many offices have been renovated to improve building performance. However, the user’s perception after renovation has not been evaluated. This paper presents user satisfaction with indoor environmental quality in façade renovated offices in the Netherlands. The study explored the ...
This paper highlights the importance of considering user satisfaction in office renovation. Userfocused design approach in nearly zero energy office (nZEO) renovation is a way to increase user satisfaction and the value of office quality while meeting energy efficiency goal. The ...