“Learning Analytics is about Learning , not about Analytics” A reflection on the current state of affairs
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Learning Analytics is a form of educational datamining that is used on the level of the classroom and the student. This information can be used to predict behaviour and address that, or it can be used for teachers and students to reflect on their learning processes and behaviour. Two examples of LA are presented: one with data from a VLE, one with student progress data and in these examples it is shown where the challenges for the near future of LA lay: there is a need for technology assessment of these technologies, the focus needs to be on learning and appropriate interventions to enhance learning, and on the teachers who are the real key players in the successful application of learning analytics to enhance learning.
" Learning Analytics is about Learning, not about Analytics. " A reflection on the current state of affairs | Request PDF. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320016621_Learning_Analytics_is_about_Learning_not_about_Analytics_A_reflection_on_the_current_state_of_affairs [accessed Aug 20 2018].
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