M. Rahrah
6 records found
Water injection in the aquifer induces deformations in the soil. These mechanical deformations give rise to a change in porosity and permeability, which results in non-linearity of the mathematical problem. Assuming that the deformations are very small, the model provided by Biot
Poroelasticity theory can be used to analyse the coupled interaction between fluid flow and porous media (matrix) deformation. The classical theory of linear poroelasticity captures this coupling by combining Terzaghi’s effective stress with a linear continuity equation. Linear p
As demand for water increases across the globe, the availability of fresh water in many regions is likely to decrease due to a changing climate, an increase in human population and changes in land use and energy generation. On the other hand, climate scenarios predict extreme per
As demand for water increases across the globe, the availability of freshwater in many regions is likely to decrease due to a changing climate, an increase in human population and changes in land use and energy generation. Many of the world’s freshwater sources are being drained
Compressing a porous material or injecting fluid into a porous material can induce changes in the pore space, leading to a change in porosity and permeability. In a continuum scale PDE model, such as Biot’s theory of linear poroelasticity, the Kozeny–Carman equation is commonly u
Stress and water injection induce deformations and changes in pore pressure in the soil. The interaction between the mechanical deformations and the flow of water induces a change in porosity and permeability, which results in nonlinearity. To investigate this interaction and the