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163 records found


The Geological Modeling Project GM2 under the Joule I research program was initiated in 1990. Two consortia were forrned, which concentrated on separate aspects of geological modeling. The TUD, CSIC, TNO consortium dealt with geological characterization of fluvial sediments as a ...

Permeability patterns in point bar deposits

Tertiary Loranca Basin, central Spain

A composite point bar sediment body in the Tertiary Loranca Basin of central Spain was the subject of a detailed analysis of the relation between sedimentary facies heterogeneities and permeability contrasts.Comparison of field-measured permeability data with grain size, sortin ...
EOR requires detailed knowledge of permeability distribution in a reservoir. In reservoirs with a complex architecture, permeability distribution can be modelled with stochastic models which incorporate geological information such as width/thickness ratios of reservoir units and ...
The Upper Cretaceous Cliff House Sandstone in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico is characterized by en-echelon, NW-SE elongated linear sandstone complexes representing successive phases of coastal sedimentation along the western margin of the Cretaceous Seaway. Detailed analysis of ...
The Menefee Formation (Mesaverde Group, Late Cretaceous) in the San Juan Basin, northwestern New Mexico, consists largely of deltaic plain and paralic deposits. The deposits were formed along the west coast of the Cretaceous Seaway. The upper part of the Menefee sequence displays ...
Several harrier island sand bodies are well exposed in the southern Pyrenees, Spain. They belong to the Pano Formation of Lutetian (Upper Eocene) age and were formed in an environment which was strongly influenced by rising sea level. A detailed sedimentological study of a calcar ...