Rick Donselaar
150 records found
Finding the needle in the haystack
Machine learning approach in the search for arsenic hotspots
Groundwater contamination with naturally-occurring arsenic (As) poses a serious health threat of global proportions. Implementation of focused and sustainable As-mitigation measures is hampered by the inability to pinpoint enigmatic As-hotspots in the vast area of continental all
Sandstones from the Main Buntsandstein Subgroup represent a promising deep geothermal target in the subsurface of the Netherlands considering their widespread distribution and temperatures locally reaching 140-150 °C at depths of ~ 3 to 5 km. The Main Buntsandstein Subgroup is a
Machine-Learning Approach for Identifying Arsenic-Contamination Hot Spots
The Search for the Needle in the Haystack
In the 40 years since the relation between arsenic (As) toxicity and groundwater extraction was first documented from the Holocene alluvial basin of West Bengal, India, (1) we have become more aware that groundwater contamination with naturally occurring (geogenic) As poses a ser
Reservoir Heterogeneities in the Buntsandstein Subgroup
Investigating the Role of Sedimentary Facies
The Lower Triassic Main Buntsandstein Subgroup represents one of the most promising deep geothermal plays in the Netherlands. Reservoir zones consist of sandstone units deposited in an arid to semi-arid alluvial plain reaching total thicknesses of over 200 m in the Roer Valley Gr
The identification of arsenic-contamination hotspots in alluvial aquifers is a global-scale challenge. The collection and inventory of arsenic concentration datasets in the shallow-aquifer domain of affected alluvial basins is a tedious and slow process, given the magnitude of th
Fluvial depositional architecture in an unconfined environment is governed by sediment dispersal across the alluvial plain through river-path switching by avulsion. Documented inter-avulsion periodicity from modern rivers ranges from tens to over a thousand years. In this study,
Dryland river fans form by repeated switching (avulsion) of an ephemeral stream as it progrades and accumulates sediment onto a low-gradient alluvial plain. Successive channel belts are organised in a radial pattern through a process of compensational stacking, where each consecu
Dryland avulsion sequences
Insights from data-model comparison of a terminal dryland river system
An advection–diffusion model of fluvial processes was used to analyze the stratigraphic expression of avulsions in terminal river systems and understand their control on basin-fill architecture. The initial and boundary conditions of the model runs (i.e., catchment area, smoothed
Meandering-river geomorphology, forming abandoned channels/lakes with organic carbon-burial and microbial reductive dissolution, play many crucial roles in controlling arsenic (As) fluxes in sinks such as contaminated aquifers of riverine alluvial plains across the world. Suhiya
Shallow aquifers in many Holocene alluvial basins around the world have in the last three decades been identified as arsenic pollution hotspots, in which the spatial variation of natural (or: geogenic) arsenic concentration is conditioned by the meandering-river geomorphology and
The Ganges Delta is a key area where elemental contamination of groundwater constitutes a human catastrophe. The delta plain geomorphology comprises a large number of abandoned meander bends or oxbow lakes (Donselaar et al., 2017; Ghosh et al., 2021) characterized by an anoxic en
In the past 10 years the mature hydrocarbon province the West Netherlands Basin has hosted rapidly expanding geothermal development. Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous strata from which gas and oil had been produced since the 1950s became targets for geothermal exploitation. The
The Rotliegend feather-edge area in the central part of the endorheic Southern Permian Basin in the Dutch offshore is characterized by a predominance of mud-prone, evaporite-bearing playa and lake deposits with a subordinate amount of interbedded, thin, fluvial sheet sandstones.
Depositional controls on sediment properties in dryland rivers
Influence on near-surface diagenesis
Sandy braided dryland rivers, deposited under arid to semi-arid conditions, constitute important clastic reservoirs worldwide whose reservoir quality reflects the effect of primary sediment properties on near-surface diagenetic processes. A literature review is presented of exist
The arsenic-pollution problem
Volumetrics and mobilization processes of geogenic arsenic in Holocene clay-plug sediment
At the junction of sheet-flood terminus, aeolian dune-fields and endorheic lake-margin
Rotliegend lithofacies revisited
In light of the huge investments needed to acquire sediment cores and the growing need of energy-providing companies to predict reservoir quality, it is remarkable that the standard workflow in core analysis has not been optimized to extract as much information from cores as poss
A new solution for harvesting energy simultaneously from two different sources of energy by combining geothermal energy production and thermal enhanced heavy oil recovery is introduced. Numerical simulations are employed to evaluate the feasibility of generating energy from geoth