M.C. Cuevas Gozalo

12 records found


Fluvial depositional architecture in an unconfined environment is governed by sediment dispersal across the alluvial plain through river-path switching by avulsion. Documented inter-avulsion periodicity from modern rivers ranges from tens to over a thousand years. In this stud ...

Avulsion History of a Holocene Semi-arid River System

Outcrop Analogue for Thin-bedded Fluvial Reservoirs in the Rotliegend Feather Edge

Sedimentation at the terminus of low-gradient river systems in a semi-arid climate setting is characterized by thin- but laterally extensive amalgamated sand sheets. Analysis of absolute age dating with Optically Stimulated Luminescence measurements of fluvial sands in the Holoce ...
The Geological Modeling Project GM2 under the Joule I research program was initiated in 1990. Two consortia were forrned, which concentrated on separate aspects of geological modeling. The TUD, CSIC, TNO consortium dealt with geological characterization of fluvial sediments as a ...