B.T.M. van Esser
3 records found
A newly installed research infrastructure for geothermal energy in a subsurface sedimentary reservoir for direct-use heating
The TU Delft campus geothermal project
A geothermal doublet has been installed in a sedimentary reservoir for direct-use heating on the TU Delft campus, targeted to supply around 25 MW of thermal energy at peak conditions. This contribution presents the implementation and initial data collection from the doublet, incl
A Research And Energy Production Geothermal Project On The TU Delft Campus
Project Implementation And Initial Data Collection
A geothermal well doublet, designed with two primary aims; one of research and the second of commercial thermal energy supply, is currently being installed on the campus of Delft University of Technology, with the wells being drilled in the second half of 2023. The project includ
End-of-Well Science Programme Report DEL-GT-01 and DEL-GT-02
TU Delft campus geothermal project
The TU Delft campus geothermal project has joint objectives of research and commercial thermal energy production. It has been developed and will be operated by the Geothermie Delft (GTD) consortium, a commercial cooperation between TU Delft, Aardyn, EBN and Shell Geothermal. This