M.M.K. Al Hasani

4 records found

Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is a versatile dynamic strain sensing method that has been adopted for a wide range of seismic applications. In DAS, optical fibres are interrogated and used as sensors, where a strain or strain-rate measurement is made along a specific length o ...
Distributed acoustic sensing has been limited in its use for surface-seismic reflection measurements due to the fiber’s decreased broadside sensitivity when the fiber is deployed horizontally. Deploying the fiber in a helically wound fashion has the promise of being more sensitiv ...

On the Multi-component Information of DAS for Near-Surface Seismic

A Pilot Field Experiment in the Groningen Area

In a surface-seismic setting, Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is still not a widely adopted method for near-surface characterisation, especially for reflection seismic imaging, despite the dense spatial sampling it provides over long distances. This is mainly due to the decrea ...
The results of an experiment aimed at identifying the nature of major noise sources within an urban area are described. We found the strongest noise source to be an irrigation pump located adjacent to the geophones. The noise from the pump had a narrow bandwidth centered at 75 Hz ...