Drilling report

Delftse Hout multipurpose research borehole - DAPGEO-02

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The multi-purpose research borehole at the Delftse Hout is the third of four seismic monitoring locations of the seismic monitoring network for the geothermal research project on the TU Delft campus (Geothermal Delft GTD, also known as DAPwell, https://geothermiedelft.nl/). For the geothermal research project, two deep wells (“a doublet” consisting of an injector and a producer) for geothermal energy extraction will be installed on the TU Delft campus next to the combined heat and power plant (“warmtekrachtcentrale - WKC”). The system will produce geothermal heat to supply the campus of TU Delft and part of the city of Delft.
The herein presented borehole describes the installation of a multi-purpose research borehole (called DAPGEO-02), which was installed in the period February - May 2022. DAPGEO-02 is part of a seismic monitoring system for the shallow and deeper subsurface in the vicinity of the planned geothermal doublet. The locations of all four stations are given in Figure 1. The monitoring network and the related research gathers knowledge about the current status of the subsurface on the basis of periodic data measurements, and possible seasonal effects.
Within the seismic monitoring network, three seismic monitoring stations have already been installed, respectively DAPGEO-01 on the proposed location of the geothermal project near the Leeghwaterstraat in Delft, DAPGEO-03 on the Kerkpolderweg in Delft, and ZH03 in on the Ackersdijkseweg in Pijnacker-Nootdorp (installed and equipped by KNMI).
