M. Khosravi

21 records found


Learning Stable Evolutionary PDE Dynamics

A Scalable System Identification Approach

In this paper, we discuss the learning and discovery problem for the dynamical systems described through stable evolutionary Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The main idea is to employ a suitable learning approach for creating a map from boundary conditions to the corres ...

Model Predictive Control can cope with conflicting control objectives in building energy managements. In terms of user satisfaction, visual comfort has been proven in several studies to be a crucial factor, however thermal comfort is typically considered the only important asp ...

The inherently nonlinear, large-scale, and time-varying nature of district heating systems pose significant challenges from a control perspective. In this paper, we address these challenges by applying an economic MPC. Economic MPC is a dynamic real-time optimization method, e ...

Linear Time-Varying Parameter Estimation

Maximum A Posteriori Approach via Semidefinite Programming

We study the problem of identifying a linear time-varying output map from measurements and linear time-varying system states, which are perturbed with Gaussian observation noise and process uncertainty, respectively. Employing a stochastic model as prior knowledge for the para ...

This article introduces output prediction methods for two types of systems containing sinusoidal-input uniformly convergent (SIUC) elements. The first method considers these elements in combination with single-input single-output linear time-invariant (LTI) systems before, aft ...

This paper discusses the problem of system identification when frequency domain side-information is available. We mainly consider the case where the side-information is provided as the H-norm of the system being bounded by a given scalar. This framework allows cons ...

In this work, we consider the problem of learning the Koopman operator for discrete-time autonomous systems. The learning problem is formulated as a generic constrained regularized empirical loss minimization in the infinite-dimensional space of linear operators. We show that ...

In this article, we consider the problem of system identification when side-information is available on the steady-state gain (SSG) of the system. We formulate a general nonparametric identification method as an infinite-dimensional constrained convex program over the reproduc ...

The notion of reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) has emerged in system identification during the past decade. In the resulting framework, the impulse response estimation problem is formulated as a regularized optimization defined on an infinite-dimensional RKHS consisting ...


In light of the pressing challenges posed by global climate change and the imperative to reduce CO2 emissions, innovative approaches in energy management are critically important. This thesis presents an exploration of heat pumps integrated with Thermal Storage System (TES) syste ...
There is an ever-increasing demand for faster and more accurate motion stages in the high-tech industry. In precision positioning systems, lightly damped higher-order resonance modes can induce undesirable vibrations that degrade system performance and accuracy. These resona ...
The speed and precision required in the precision motion industry is an ever-growing challenge. Linear control offers intuitive frequency-domain controller design methods that are based on a frequency response function (FRF) of the plant, which is obtained solely from measurement ...

Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage

Learning a linear model for control of ATES

This thesis investigates the application of dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) for the mod-
elling of aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) systems, which are crucial for reducing the
energy used for heating and cooling of buildings. ATES systems store thermal energy un-
This thesis addresses the Learning-Based Control (LBC) of unknown partially observable systems in the Linear Quadratic (LQ) paradigm. In this setting of learning-based LQ control, the control action influences not only the control performance but also the rate at which the system ...
The Jones Act, limited US port facilities, and absence of Jones Act-compliant installation vessels pose significant challenges for offshore wind farm installations. These factors force contractors to explore new installation strategies, such as feedering. Feedering is an installa ...
Navigation systems in an Autonomous Vehicles (AV) can be divided into two parts: a path planning block which takes in the environmental data and rules to design a collision-free obstacle and a vehicle control and tracking block which generates actuator inputs for the AV to follow ...
Undesired vibrations are one of the most significant sources of error in any type of mechatronic system or component. The emerging field of elastic (locally resonant) metamaterials offers a viable solution to successfully suppress these by generating bandgaps in both resonant and ...
This research presents a novel data-based modal control method for actively dampening the flexible mode in a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system. Traditional passive damping methods add significant mass to the system, making recent advances in sensor and actuator technology, s ...

Peak Shaving the Electrical Power Demand of Ship-to-shore Cranes

Developing operational policies to maintain productivity under increasingly restrictive peak power limitations

Electrification of numerous end-users is a worldwide trend to address climate change, according to the International Energy Agency. This trend has also reached container terminal operators. Currently most of the ship-to-shore cranes employed are electrified, leading to an increas ...
As the share of renewable energy generation increases, the need for energy storage also increases. Therefore, there is a need for better storage representation in the current energy modelling tools. In the present day,
the longer-term energy storage systems are not fully repr ...