M.J.C.M. Hertogh
91 records found
Embracing multi-functionality in European infrastructure projects
A system of systems perspective
Infrastructure projects undergo multiple changes throughout their lifecycle, adapting to new mobilities, technologies and environments. We build on the System of Systems (SoS) theoretical concept to understand the implications of such infrastructure transformations, specifically
Asset management for storm surge barriers
How and why?
Due to increasing flood risks, storm surge barriers become crucial for the socioeconomic continuity of coastal areas. They provide flood protection, especially against extreme events, by operating under specific circumstances. This imposes high-performance requirements for storm
Early project phases are crucial for the chance of project success, yet uncertainties stemming from the dynamic context of projects are difficult to manage in a pure waterfall approach. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker and Marcel Hertogh explore how the feasibility and planning
Intergenerational transfer of engineering expertise
Knowledge continuity management in storm surge barrier engineering
Purpose: Engineering knowledge continuity is crucial for the life cycle management of long-lived and complex assets, such as nuclear plants, locks and storm surge barriers. At the storm surge barriers in the Netherlands, engineering knowledge continuity is not yet fully assured,
Achieving a framework of the circular economy in urban transport infrastructure projects
A meso-scale perspective
Urban infrastructure development is one principal way people are transforming the natural world and their living conditions. It is important for humanity, but it can also cause major impacts to the environment, such as huge amounts of solid waste and CO2 emissions. Considering th
The infrastructure we build is increasingly complicated and automated. After it is designed and constructed, it needs to be maintained and updated to sustain its functioning for far longer than the careers of its designers and builders. Continuity of engineering knowledge is nece
Project-based learning principles
Insights from the development of large infrastructure
In recent decades, interest in project-based learning within organizational learning has grown significantly. This study synthesizes principles that facilitate learning at the project level. Through a cross-case analysis of the Gaasperdammer Tunnel project in the Netherlands and
Purpose: Societies depend on interconnected infrastructures that are becoming more complex over the years. Multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills are essential to develop modern infrastructures, requiring close collaboration of various infrastructure owners. To effectively manag
Urbanizing river deltas are highly susceptible to sea level rise and extreme weather events such as floods and droughts. Water-related disasters are already happening more often due to climate change, rapid urbanization, unsustainable land use and aging infrastructure threatening
Research on Collaborative Risk Management Mechanism of Mega Projects
A Tripartite Evolutionary Game Model Considering the Participation of Insurance Institution
The frequent occurrence of mega project accidents has created an issue of risk management and has made its solution highly valued. In the case that the owner is at a regulatory disadvantage, insurance institution can provide a new pattern for risk management of mega projects. The
Empathy is receiving increasing attention as it can contribute to the collaboration and connectedness required for today's global challenges. A similar trend reveals itself at the scale of project management, given the change from technological to integration-driven challenges in
Ruimte voor wonen
Naar een integrale aanpak van de Nederlandse woonopgave
“De woningcrisis biedt kansen. De kans om een duurzaam en langdurig gezond woonklimaat te realiseren.”
Woningnood is geen nieuw verschijnsel in ons land. Al in de negentiende eeuw leidde snelle bevolkingsgroei en verstedelijking tot een huisvestingstekort; de woningwet v ...
Woningnood is geen nieuw verschijnsel in ons land. Al in de negentiende eeuw leidde snelle bevolkingsgroei en verstedelijking tot een huisvestingstekort; de woningwet v ...
Unlocking system transitions for municipal solid waste infrastructure
A model for mapping interdependencies in a local context
Rapid global urbanization, urban renewal and changes in people's lifestyles have led to both an increase in waste generation and more complex waste types. In response to these changes, many local governments have invested in municipal solid waste infrastructure (MSWI) to implemen
Due to climate change, the risk of flooding is increasing with potentially severe consequences on highly populated and economically developed coastal zones. Storm surge barriers protect against such events with the critical task of closing during extreme weather conditions to pro
Organizing resilient infrastructure initiatives
A study on conceptualization, motivation, and operation of ten initiatives in the Netherlands
Resilient infrastructure is critical to a sustainable and functioning society. Infrastructure management and (re)development are highly complex processes encompassing various stakeholders’ interests while they are pressured by the uncertainty of climate change and social transiti
How to prepare our students for their future work? Where climate change, biodiversity and inclusiveness are key challenges. Where they will be working on complex tasks, such as the need for additional housing, liveable cities and sustainable transport.@en
This study aims to identify which factors affect inter-organizational collaboration (IOC) in interconnected infrastructure projects to enable practitioners to establish a collaborative environment at the project level. This specific form of inter-organizational collaboration (IOC
The societal strength of transition
A critical review of the circular economy through the lens of inclusion
Realizing a circular economy (CE) has been widely recognized by practitioners and researchers as the key to the transition toward sustainability. Thus far the academic emphasis has been predominantly on economic and environmental aspects. However, the development and implementati