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M. van den Boomen

27 records found

Intergenerational transfer of engineering expertise

Knowledge continuity management in storm surge barrier engineering

Purpose: Engineering knowledge continuity is crucial for the life cycle management of long-lived and complex assets, such as nuclear plants, locks and storm surge barriers. At the storm surge barriers in the Netherlands, engineering knowledge continuity is not yet fully assured, ...
The infrastructure we build is increasingly complicated and automated. After it is designed and constructed, it needs to be maintained and updated to sustain its functioning for far longer than the careers of its designers and builders. Continuity of engineering knowledge is nece ...
Due to increasing flood risks, storm surge barriers become crucial for the socioeconomic continuity of coastal areas. They provide flood protection, especially against extreme events, by operating under specific circumstances. This imposes high-performance requirements for storm ...
Over the course of the last century, storm surge barriers have been built in several countries and proven to be successful in preventing flooding. However, the operation, reliability, and remaining life of these structures have come under increased pressure due to changing demand ...
Due to climate change, the risk of flooding is increasing with potentially severe consequences on highly populated and economically developed coastal zones. Storm surge barriers protect against such events with the critical task of closing during extreme weather conditions to pro ...

The port of Rotterdam is the largest seaport in Europe. To maintain its position, the harbor will have to anticipate global transitions such as transferring to sustainable energy. Hydrogen is seen as a promising energy carrier; however, future demand is uncertain. The curren ...
Probabilistisch ramen van investeringsprojecten neemt onzekerheden over volumes van materialen en prijzen mee in de berekening. Dit geeft besluitvormers inzicht in de spreiding rond verwachte projectkosten en -baten. In dit artikel bespreken we de ontwikkelingen van probabilistis ...
Veel publieke organisaties in Nederland rekenen bij contante waarde berekeningen met een maatschappelijke discontovoet. Door de lage discontovoet ontstaat een methodisch probleem bij contante waarde berekening over de gebruikelijke periode van 100 jaar. In dit artikel stellen we ...

Replacement optimisation for public infrastructure assets

Quantitative optimisation modelling taking typical public infrastructure related features into account

Ageing infrastructures and shortage of financing induce the need for optimising public infrastructure replacements. From an economic perspective, classical net present value comparison is traditionally the method of choice to decide on investments and replacements. The current re ...
Infrastructure maintenance and replacement decisions are subject to uncertainties such as regular asset degradation, structural failure, and price uncertainty. In the engineering domain, Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) typically focus on uncertainties regarding asset degradation ...
In the Netherlands, probabilistic life cycle cash flow forecasting for infrastructures has gained attention in the past decennium. Frequencies, volume and unit prices of life cycle activities are treated as uncertainty variables for which an expert-based triangular distribution i ...
The optimal moment at which maintenance activities should be performed on structures with long service-life to guarantee the required quality of service is hard to define, due to uncertainties in their deterioration processes. Most of the developed methods and concepts use histor ...

Untangling decision tree and real options analyses

A public infrastructure case study dealing with political decisions, structural integrity and price uncertainty

Managerial flexibility in infrastructure investment and replacement decisions adds value. Real options analysis (ROA) captures this value under uncertain market prices. The concept of ROA is that future unfavourable payoffs can be deferred as soon as more information about market ...
Reliability-based life cycle costing analysis (LCCA) supports optimized decisions on capital and operational expenditures for engineering asset management. In addition, it allows investigation of the impact of maintenance decisions on designing the service life of assets. The app ...
Life cycle costing analysis for public infrastructure assets is not a straight forward exercise and may be sensitive to input data and calculation approaches. In general alternatives are compared on net present value (NPV) of life cycle costs (LCC) over a bounded calculation hori ...
Ageing public infrastructure assets necessitate economic replacement analysis. A common replacement problem concerns an existing asset challenged by a replacement option. Classic techniques obtained from the domain of engineering economics are the mainstream approach to replaceme ...
Water treatment plants (WTPs) are characterised as complex configurations of repairable and deteriorating components. Previous studies have mainly focused on the average or steady-state availability of such systems while ignoring inherent characteristics like degradation. The cur ...
In the next decades, many public infrastructure assets will reach the end of their life that they were originally designed for. Replacement costs are high, and therefore increasing effort is put into lifetime-extending maintenance, including major overhauls and renovations. A key ...
LCC analyses (LCCA) and discounting calculations are applied by public sector organizations in the Netherlands. Still numerous misunderstandings can be recognized. An overview is given of some common misunderstandings found in Life Cycle Costing Analyses. Issues relating to publi ...
Civil infrastructure assets, such as roads, locks, bridges, treatment plants and storm surge barriers, are often characterised by long service lives and corresponding technical life cycles. When life cycles are long, the time value of money plays a role in asset management decisi ...