H.L.M. Bakker
47 records found
Early project phases are crucial for the chance of project success, yet uncertainties stemming from the dynamic context of projects are difficult to manage in a pure waterfall approach. Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker and Marcel Hertogh explore how the feasibility and planning
In this chapter, obstacles and enablers for the implementation of sustainable project management are identified. Focus is given to the missing link between formulation of the sustainability strategy-corporate sustainable ambitions and vision-and the implementation on project leve
Empathy is receiving increasing attention as it can contribute to the collaboration and connectedness required for today's global challenges. A similar trend reveals itself at the scale of project management, given the change from technological to integration-driven challenges in
In addition to the tools and techniques available, project risk management also depends on the attitudes of people in an organisation, how the available tools are used, and how the procedures are followed. Therefore, efforts to improve the project risk management capacity of orga
Purpose: Societies depend on interconnected infrastructures that are becoming more complex over the years. Multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills are essential to develop modern infrastructures, requiring close collaboration of various infrastructure owners. To effectively manag
Project-based learning principles
Insights from the development of large infrastructure
In recent decades, interest in project-based learning within organizational learning has grown significantly. This study synthesizes principles that facilitate learning at the project level. Through a cross-case analysis of the Gaasperdammer Tunnel project in the Netherlands and
Facing circular transition challenges, building circularity should be evaluated in the early design phase to reduce the risks of circular and environmental performance problems found in later project phases. However, due to the current design workflow, such practice is hindered b
This study aims to identify which factors affect inter-organizational collaboration (IOC) in interconnected infrastructure projects to enable practitioners to establish a collaborative environment at the project level. This specific form of inter-organizational collaboration (IOC
The increasing complexity of civil engineering projects necessitates focusing on new competencies of project participants. Based on the research on team performance and design processes that are more closely linked to the relevance of the project context, it is hypot ...
The increasing complexity of civil engineering projects necessitates focusing on new competencies of project participants. Based on the research on team performance and design processes that are more closely linked to the relevance of the project context, it is hypot ...
A close collaboration between infrastructure owners is crucial to address challenges in the design and execution of next-generation infrastructure projects for sustainable development. Managing and sharing data among parties involved in infrastructure projects, particularly the d
Incorporating Project Complexities in Risk Assessment
Case of an Airport Expansion Construction Project
In today’s construction projects, which are getting more complex as a consequence of especially technical, organizational, and external aspects, complexities are considered a major source of risks. Moreover, risks may turn to complexity-creating elements and propagate additional
Purpose: Civil engineering projects around the world have been underperforming for a long time. While the complexity of these projects will continue to increase, there is an urgent need to perform better. Although the integrated design process is critical for project success, the
Collaborate to learn and learn to collaborate
A case of exploitative learning in the inter-organizational project
Purpose: Management of inter-organizational projects focuses on the collective benefits of a group of organizations on a shared activity for a limited period and the coordination among them. However, how learning is facilitated in the inter-organizational project remains under-de
Scheduling of a construction project using an activity network can be done using the Critical Path Method (CPM). CPM scheduling, since it was first developed in the USA in 1950’s, has been widely applied in various sectors including the construction sector. CPM, however, is incap
Despite the efforts of governments and firms, the construction industry is trailing other industries in labour productivity. Construction companies are interested in increasing their labour productivity, particularly when demand grows and construction firms cope with labour short
Veel publieke organisaties in Nederland rekenen bij contante waarde berekeningen met een maatschappelijke discontovoet. Door de lage discontovoet ontstaat een methodisch probleem bij contante waarde berekening over de gebruikelijke periode van 100 jaar. In dit artikel stellen we
Probabilistisch ramen van investeringsprojecten neemt onzekerheden over volumes van materialen en prijzen mee in de berekening. Dit geeft besluitvormers inzicht in de spreiding rond verwachte projectkosten en -baten. In dit artikel bespreken we de ontwikkelingen van probabilistis
Inter-Organizational Co-Creation
An Approach to Support Energy Transition Projects
Societal challenges such as climate change and inefficiency of energysystems more and more crave for a sustainable environment. Research proved thatrestructuring energy systems into more sustainable forms, called “Energy Transition”, has faced challenges. How to deal with these c
In the Netherlands, probabilistic life cycle cash flow forecasting for infrastructures has gained attention in the past decennium. Frequencies, volume and unit prices of life cycle activities are treated as uncertainty variables for which an expert-based triangular distribution i