124 records found


The Road Maintenance Planning Game

Game design and first results

This white paper describes the Road Maintenance Planning game, a game that simulates planning, coordination and execution of maintenance projects in the domain of infrastructural maintenance. In particular, the game models the dynamic contracting procedure of Volker et al. (2014) ...

Integrating Sustainability into Major Infrastructure Projects

Four Perspectives on Sustainable Tunnel Development

Although sustainability is on the agenda of many countries and agencies, it is still a great challenge to properly integrate sustainability into major infrastructure projects, like tunnels. This is remarkable, as it is commonly accepted that the construction and operation of thes ...

The Smart City as Global Discourse

Storylines and Critical Junctures across 27 Cities

Despite its growing ubiquitous presence, the smart city continues to struggle for definitional clarity and practical import. In response, this study interrogates the smart city as global discourse network by examining a collection of key texts associated with cities worldwide. Us ...
In this paper we propose a new parameter called Performance Age and the methodology to quantify it. This parameter provides a solid life cycle performance basis for bridge replacement. It is not only developed to give a new perspective to the replacement decision process, but als ...

Investments under pressure

A real options approach to prepare for emergency asylum shelter in a multi actor setting

This paper presents a study to define the use of real options to be prepared for challenges that arise when faced with rapidly changing conditions, which take on characteristics of an emergency and require investment decisions. Related to time, real options can be used as a time- ...
Organizations tasked with managing large scale, public civil infrastructure are increasingly looking at data to drive their asset management decision-making processes. The Internet of Things (IoT) enables the creation of data that can be used to gain further insights into the cur ...


Companies (in general and in the dredging sector) are striving towards more sustainable operations. However, problems arise in the changing of current practices to operationalize sustainability goals in projects. The objective of this research is to describe the process of creati ...

PAVE the way towards a Circular Economy in the public space

Maintenance plan analysis tool to value the enhancement towards a Circular Economy

In 2017, the Dutch government has set the goal to achieve a 100% circular economy by 2050. A transition from the current linear economy towards a circular economy is necessary to reach this goal. In the circular economy, products at end-of-life are no longer seen as waste but wil ...
Due to growing prosperity in the world, together with the trend of urbanization, more and more natural resources are needed. However, the earth cannot keep providing us these materials, since many of them are depleting. The concept of circular economy is seen as an opportunity to ...
This report, which from now and onwards will be called the main body of the thesis, covers the core of the
problem that has to be solved. Generally, the aim of this thesis is to investigate a laminated composite’s
structural response, made of FRP, when its material proper ...
The investment characteristics of wind parks have been analysed, the different risks to which a wind park investor requires compensation, the different models that can translate risk into returns, and finally the returns have been calculated with this model for different wind par ...

Adopting circular innovative technologies in the construction supply chain of the MRA

Supply Chain through the lenses of the service dominant logic’s foundational premises

The construction sector is one of the biggest consumers of raw materials and generates large amounts of construction waste as well. CE is a way to delink the construction sector from the consumption of finite resources of the earth and excessive waste generation. Despite of the f ...

Change towards a Circular Economy: eliminating inertia in supply chains

A concrete case of stony materials supply chain in the Netherlands

Current linear economic model entails coupling of economic growth with resource constraints and degradation of the Earth. In order to combat these negative aspects and to ensure prosperous and sustainable future, a new economic approach is emerging - Circular Economy. Besides neu ...
The monopile is the prevailing foundation concept applied in offshore wind farms, mainly due to construction of offshore wind farms in relatively shallow water. The monopile can provide a technically and financially feasible solution in shallow water environment due to its’ abil ...

Towards a closed material cycle in the infrastructure

A Reverse Logistic network model for processing demolition waste

The construction industry is a large generator of waste. The interest in improving the resource efficiency is growing. A move towards a Circular Economy (CE) has been assigned as the solution for a more efficient use of resources in the construction industry. The aim of a circula ...

New Data Sources in Road Infrastructure Management

A game-based experiment into the effects of new data sources on condition assessment and decision-making within the operations and maintenance phase of asphalt paved road infrastructures

Professionals in the Operations and Maintenance phase of national road
infrastructure projects are making decisions with large consequences based on low frequency measurements and subjectivity prone expert observations. A solution is expected in sensor i ...

The use of new data sources in bridge maintenance decision-making

On the effect of using new data sources during decision making moments of bridge maintenance experts through a serious game based experiment

The current practice of bridge maintenance decision-making is informed by subjective visual inspection data with a long time interval between measurements, which creates inefficiencies and possible loss of value in the maintenance entity’s capabilities. New opportunities from tec ...
In the current era of cut-throat competition, companies carry out projects to support its business. However, studies show that these projects fail to provide the expected results. This is due to the fast-changing environment where the project is set-in. The planning of the projec ...