M.G.A.D. Harteveld
71 records found
Urbanizing river deltas are highly susceptible to sea level rise and extreme weather events such as floods and droughts. Water-related disasters are already happening more often due to climate change, rapid urbanization, unsustainable land use and aging infrastructure threatening
The extent to which the built environment encourages people to walk in public spaces, hence the quality of being walkable or ‘walkability’ has long been associated with positive outcomes on people’s health. While various studies have developed indices to assess walkability, limit
The Public Space Academy aims to shift global public space practices towards an inclusive and equitable common future by delivering high-quality, free, open-access and interdisciplinary educational content to all public space lovers, researchers and practitioners, especially thos
A Journey Through Water Scarcity
A Blend of Openness and Sharing in Public Spaces and Guarded Secrecy in Four Moroccan Cities
This year’s Urban Archipelago graduate design course focuses on water and public space in Moroccan cities. We are building on and advancing the methods that we developed during last year’s exploration of the Italian city of Trieste on the Adriatic coast, including, among others,
Al decennia staren beleidsmakers en stedebouwkundigen zich blind op hoogbouwbeleid door middel van hoogteregulering. Ook al blijft dit vanuit gezondheid en welstand verstandig, dit is een eenzijdige benadering. Zeker nu er steeds meer openbare ruimtes binnen de hoogbouwprojecten
This blog contribution supports the Urban Archipelago expo at Nieuwe Instituut (NI) in Rotterdam, designed to consist of four elements: a map, a view, a model, and a series of films that depicted a future of living with water, as well as a booklet that documented student work. Th
Designing Public Spaces for Maritime Mindsets
Rotterdam as Case Study
Port cities exist at the intersection between water and land. They are currently under pressure due to global changes and climate, economic and social transitions. As they face the urgent need to respond to contemporary urgencies, port and city authorities tend to ignore port cit
Na meer dan vijfhonderd dagen vanuit huis te hebben gewerkt, zijn onze levens en dagelijkse rituelen door de COVID-19 pandemie ingrijpend veranderd. Het afstand houden tot elkaar en de overige maatregelen hebben bovendien ieders toegang tot de openbare ruimte aangetast en een ree
After working from home for more than five hundred days, our daily lives and rituals have been severely changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, social distancing and other measures have affected everyone’s access to public space and exposed a range of impacts on different lev
Public Spaces for Community Resilience
Thinking beyond the Dichotomies of Public and Private as well as Exterior and Interior
This paper focuses on public spaces for community resilience in their ‘response-related abilities’ and which can be improved. Comparative studies of communities, places, and/or disasters after the unforeseen impactful events are indicators to quantify the level of resilience. Wit
Stad × Ruimte
Cross-Section Thinking
How can the integral and multifunctional use of public space, subsurface, and buildings—within a densified urban environment—create space and value that contribute to an attractive and future-proof living environment?
International interdisciplinary students from Delft Universit
In the Minds of People
Port-City Perspectives, The Case of Rotterdam
Following the geographical ‘Any-Port Model’, urban design has stipulated and enforced the disunion of port and city over the recent decades. In conjunction with other disciplines, the emphasis has laid at dislocation of production activities in favor of
Images of Port-City Rotterdam
Through the Mental Mapping Methods
This article makes explicit why, at first, we do not usually think beyond water, docks, cargo, moving loads, and ships when we think of port-cities. By reviewing mental maps of port-city Rotterdam drawn by professionals in training, it becomes clear that the adjective ‘port’ modi
Today, the resilience of communities is increasingly highlighted in cases of returning hazards affecting everyday life next to those in cases of exceptionally devastating natural and man-made global disasters. Urban analyses on community resilience and translations of theory in a
Domestication Will Shape Future Public Spaces
A Report from Rotterdam
This commentary aims to provide a window on the future by studying actions, taken to control the spreading of the corona virus, while obviously affecting public space over a year. What has been the effects on public space directly linked to these actions during the pandemic; wha
The Port-City Portrayed in its Public Spaces
Introducing Micro Biographies of Places
This article aims to extent the notion of port-cities and counter the mainstream narrative that port and city, in cases like Rotterdam, have become disunited by reviewing its public spaces in their unique port-city characteristics. These characteristics can be found by systematic
Imagine: You are asked to draw a port city from memory. What would you put on paper? Do you think of harbours? Water, docks, cargo, moving loads, and ships? If your drawing shows these elements, don’t be surprised. Sixty-five graduate students also took on the challenge. In answe
Port cities as hubs of diversity and inclusivity
The case of Rotterdam
Port cities are a particular type of territory and are often long-standing examples of resilience, bringing opportunities, wealth, and innovation to their nations and their citizens. They have developed at the crossroads of international trade and commerce and the intersection of