J.A. Kuijper
24 records found
Not only within the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, but throughout Delft University of Technology, the City of the Future Graduation Lab proves to have a truly unique position. It is a laboratory where students are challenged to think beyond their own disciplin
Mapping Wuhan
Morphological atlas of the Urbanization of a Chinese City
Chinese cities have been expanding since the early 1980s under trends of rapid modernization, urbanization and globalization. Since then they have changed dramatically, and have in the process lost many of their traditional environments and spatial characteristics. Urban planners
Tour Haven-Stad
Smart Mobility & Urban Development in Haven-Stad, Amsterdam
Maps represent reality in a consciously filtered and scaled way. We—not only designers but anyone who wants to interfere with the built environment—need maps to get a clutter-free overview of space. Moreover, we can project and infer very specific data of a location on a map crea
Gares et nœuds
Explorer l'avenir des gares dans les aires métropolitaines en France et aux Pays Bas.: Introduction
Stations as Nodes
Exploring the role of stations in future metropolitan areas from a French and Dutch perspective
At the main point of intersection between the railway and the city, stations are key elements in the organization of the intermodal transport as well as catalysts of urban developments in metropolises, medium and small cities. The focus of this publication is to explore the enric
This paper presents the partial results of a historical morphological research of the urban form of the Chinese middle size city of Wuhan. The city with over 12 million inhabitants is a regional centre for the Yangtze River basin, located centrally in China, and according to nati
Public libraries want to contribute to an inclusive and innovative society and aim to enable their patrons to acquire the necessary 21st century skills. Dutch public libraries are therefore gradually adding more and more activities to their curriculum, teaching these different ty
Hoe neemt een makerplaats een fysieke plek in de bibliotheek in? De explosieve groei van makerplaatsen in Nederlandse bibliotheken vraagt om inzicht in de ruimtelijke aspecten die verbonden zijn met het opzetten en runnen van deze vorm van een performative space.@en