V. Muñoz Sanz
38 records found
Densities of Urbanization
More-than-City, More-than-Human
The concentration of human populations in dense settlements, from small towns, to cities, to metropolitan and post-metropolitan formations and diffuse agglomeration zones, lies at the core of the urbanization process. But these high concentrations of people, economic activities,
Cowborgs in the Polder
True Type
The excesses of this system are currently reflected in the state of decline of the Dutch landscape. Scaling up, intensification, as well as the accompanying increase in traffic, are resulting in the deterioration of the landscape. Whether we are talking about the nitrogen crisis,
Una rápida compañera
Arquitectura y trabajo en la Cuarta Era de la Máquina
Una rápida compañera presenta, por primera vez en castellano, los escritos de Víctor Muñoz Sanz en torno a los nuevos espacios creados alrededor de las tecnologías de la automatización. Es un viaje que nos traslada a fábricas de calzado de finales del siglo XIX, a innovadores pue
Rahul Mehrotra
The Kinetic City & Other Essays
Rahul Mehrotra is the founder and principal of RMA Architects, as well as Professor of Urban Design and Planning and the John T. Dunlop Professor in Housing and Urbanization at Har-vard University School of Design. His practice can be describe
Urban Greening Management Arrangements between Municipalities and Citizens for Effective Climate Adaptation Pathways
Four Case Studies from The Netherlands
The transition towards nature-based cities has increasingly become a central focus in political–environmental agendas and urban design practices, aiming to enhance climate adaptation, urban biodiversity, spatial equilibrium, and social well-being as part of the ongoing socio-ecol
Critical cartographies for assessing and designing with planning legacies
The case of Jaap Bakema’s Open Society in ‘t Hool, the Netherlands
The Open Society appeared as a concept in planning discourse at the Congrès
International d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM XI). It attempted to create urban
conditions which would allow society to prosper. Despite its good theoretical
intentions, the project did not al ...
International d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM XI). It attempted to create urban
conditions which would allow society to prosper. Despite its good theoretical
intentions, the project did not al ...
This article analyzes the acceptance of climate policy measures in the Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam to understand how policy and planning interrelate with private and public interests. While legitimizing climate policy and measures, values can also cause conflict when operati
Cities of the Future
Control in Times of Acceleration
'The architect who proposes to run with technology knows now that he [sic] will be in fast company, and that, in order to keep up, he may have to emulate the Futurists and discard his whole cultural load, including the professional garments by which he is recognized as an archite
This article explores the use of the pattern language approach in bridging the gap between formal and informal urban planning practices in the African context. This study focuses on a case application within the urbanised region encompassing the Nakivubo wetland located in Kampal
This issue of Footprint explores specific spatialities and materialities found across those operational landscapes of primary production that constitute the metabolic basis of urbanisation. To the extent that these landscapes are increasingly automated and digit
The Impact of Institutional Innovation on a Public Tender
The Case of Madrid Metropolitan Forest
The introduction of forests in cities has been an observable trend in recent years, with planned forest management projects proliferating around the world. The fact that many urban forests in the public space are traditionally managed by top-down bureaucratic procedures and guide
Jaap Bakema’s Open Society in the Twenty-first Century
A Critical Appraisal of ’t Hool, the Netherlands and Montbau, Spain
The concept of the Open Society appeared in the CIAM discourse of the 1950s as an attempt to create condition in the city for society to prosper. These good intentions at the theoretical level did not always translate into success stories in practice, and some of the consequences
As if humanity had woken up from a night-long party full of excesses, the sudden realization of being in the Anthropocene fills us with confusion and despair. The accumulation of often unintended consequences of human action reminds us that plans do not always end up in the lands
Urban Manufacturing for Circularity
Three Pathways to Move from Linear to Circular Cities
Urban manufacturing and manufacturers play a vital role in delivering circular economy ambitions through processing materials, providing skills and technology for repair or reconditioning goods and the capacity to deliver innovative technology. The transdisciplinary approach of C
Making Green Work
Implementation Strategies in a New Generation of Urban Forests
The concept of “urban forest” (UF) is gaining momentum in urban planning in the context of climate adaptation. Principles from the field of urban forestry are mainstreamed into urban planning, but little is known about effective tools for the successful implementation of new UFs.
Path dependency and industrial culture heritage
The case of the Bata Shoe company towns
Between 1929 and 1935, the Bata Shoe Company planned the construction of a series of modern industrial satellite towns in Europe, Asia, and America. From an initial constellation of architecture and urbanism references, Bata’s management and company architects developed a distinc
The acceptance of climate adaptation measures in cities
Why the will to fight for climate goals stops in our backyards
This paper examines the tension between political efforts to implement climate goals in urban planning and design and the acceptance of climate adaptation measures at the local level. We hypothesise that, while there is consensus on the desirability of climate goals, the implemen
Genes, Robots, and Toxicity
The Haunted Landscapes of Milk Production
This comprehensive essay looks into the relationship between humans and Dutch dairy cattle, which of course involves exploitation and cruelty. Víctor Muñoz Sanz aims to »think along how we stopped caring about our cows as companions and how to move forward.« Introducing the conce
Radical innovations in automation and artificial intelligence suggest that we are heading toward a future of work without human workers. The Singularity Is Near, hence experts have rushed in to register the phenomenon. Call it The Second Machine Age, The Third Industrial Revoluti