V.J. Meijer

199 records found

Shipping canals have supported maritime traffic and port development for many centuries. Radical transformations of these shipping landscapes through land reclamation, diking, and canalization were celebrated as Herculean works of progress and modernity. Today, shipping canals ar ...
The transformation of Pearl River Delta (PRD) is characterized by a complex layering, spatial and temporal differentiation. Its complexity is not only caused by interactions between multiple layers like blue-green spatial structure and urban spatial structure, but also caused by ...
Kunstmatige verdieping van Nieuwe Waterweg moet teruggedraaid en het havengebied moet vergroenen, stelt emeritus hoogleraar Stedenbouwkunde Han Meyer.@en

Rising Water, Sinking Cities Venice and Rotterdam

Grappling with the Landscape of Lagoon and Delta

In order to provide a sustainable development strategy to ensure the long term survival of coastal and deltaic areas, the lagoon of Venice and the delta of Rotterdam were exanimated for possible alternatives. This article investigated the historical development of the city-water ...


The Rhine: a European river

This chapter seeks to show how the development of the spatial structure of the Randstad can be regarded as the outcome of three processes: the dynamics of the landscape; the changing economic and technical conditions; and changing societal conditions. The dynamics of the delta la ...

Stijgend water, zinkende steden

De worsteling van Venetië en Rotterdam met het landschap van lagune en delta

Hoge waterstanden in steden in kust- en deltagebieden leiden sinds de laatste eeuwwisseling tot steeds meer problemen. Niet alleen veel steden in de ‘Global South’, met gebrekkige voorzieningen om zich tegen hoge waterstanden te verdedigen, kampen met toenemende overstromingen. O ...

Water as Leverage

Design Studies for Khulna, Chennai and Semarang

Deltas are attractive locations for settlements due to their favourable conditions for food production and trade, which historically led to many deltas being urbanised. The urbanisation, polderisation and industrialisation of many deltas increases their vulnerability to climate c ...
The growth of Rotterdam as a main port is due to two major interventions in the water system: the construction of the Nieuwe Waterweg (New Waterway), completed in 1872, and the additional construction of two parallel canals in the post-war decades. These interventions and their m ...

Toward a Cultural Heritage of Adaptation

A Plea to Embrace the Heritage of a Culture of Risk, Vulnerability and Adaptation

We need to tell a new story about urbanizing delta regions. Historically, large-scale ‘iconic’ hydraulic works and modern industrial ports have been celebrated as showing the power of humans to control and subject nature. The emphasis on this part of cultural heritage tends to bu ...


Kern en perspectieven

De stedenbouwkunde schept de ruimtelijke condities voor het functioneren van de burgerlijke samenleving. Fundamenteel daarin is het onderscheid tussen openbaar en privaat domein. De kerntaak van de stedenbouwkunde is daarom het ontwerp van de stadsplattegrond, waarmee de indeling ...

Foundries of the Future

A Guide for 21st Century Cities of Making

Since the 1970s, cities world-wide have been witness to radical de-industrialisation. Manufacturing was considered incompatible with urban life and was actively pushed out. As economies have grown, public officials and developers have instinctively shifted their priorities to sho ...


Fundamentals and Prospects

Urbanism creates the spatial conditions needed for society to function. The distinction between the public and private domains is fundamental to civil society. The core task of urbanism within that society is designing the urban ground plan, which defines the way land is divided ...

Delta Urbanism coming of age

25 years of Delta Urbanism where are we now?

‘Delta Urbanism’ is a common field of interest of different disciplines, which discovered the need to work together in order to be able to develop fruitful strategies for the future development of urbanized delta regions. The birth of this collaboration can be dated in the ...

Towards a new narrative for the 21st century delta city

Design can make the unexpected possible and imaginable

Economic and spatial developments of port cities have large impacts on the quality of the natural environment, the safety of people living in the urbanized areas and the fresh water supply for drinking water and agriculture. Creating a proper balance among these different aspects ...
The Cities of Making 'Cities Report', offers an insight into urban manufacturing in three global cities - Brussels, London and Rotterdam. Each city has had a distinctive industrial heritage and is interpreting the future of manufacturing in very different ways. This report expose ...